Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Big and Little

It is always fun to see what is included in all the packages I receive.
I often get instantly inspired!

Jeanine sent in this lovely rail fence quilt top.  I love the pretty corals with those pretty aquas.
I sent it to local quilter Laura and she quilted in some fun twisty quilting.

I had this pretty pink fabric for the backing.  It really shows the quilting nicely.

This quilt measures about 48 x 56".

In the package with the quilt top, Jeanine included the leftovers.  I knew I had a piece of a solid aqua that was just the right shade.  There were not many scraps, but I trimmed them all to the same width and set them into the solid.

I really like how it turned out and one more donation quilt was made.

I just did some straight-line quilting on this one.  The backing came from my local "picker" Deana.  She finds the best fabrics at yard and estate sales.

This quilt is approximately 40 x 42".

This week I hope to receive some quilts back from some longarm quilters.  I also have a stack of finished quilts waiting to be photographed.  

We have been busy - I have so much more to share!


Michelle @ From Bolt to Beauty said...

Yay for these finishes, for the generosity of quilters, and using allll the scraps! I envy your friend Deana's special skill. I've *never* bought fabric at a yard sale and would love to change that fact.

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

Another two great finishes. I like how the coral plays against the aqua background!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The pinks look wonderful with the aqua and I'm glad you had the perfect aqua solid to pair with the scraps. Fantastic!

Holly in Indiana said...

Having made a bunch of the two step blocks and one top, I love the continuity of the 5” blocks and wish I had thought of it. Next time, sigh…..

Kate said...

Left over quilts are always such fun to see. The rail fence quilt turned out beautifully!

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