Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Thankful Tuesday

I have been one lucky girl lately.  I certainly feel quite blessed!

First, I so appreciate all of you that stop in and read my blog.  Every week there are new quilters linking up on Sundays and every day, warm and encouraging comments are left.  This support keeps me inspired to share!  You guys at awesome!!

Lately, I have also had some luck in a number of giveaways.

Jasmine, over at Quilt Kisses had her third year blogiversary and had folks guess how many quilts were in her house.  That got me wondering how many quilts I had in my house.  I counted mine and used that number as my entry.  I ended up guessing exactly!  Can you believe it!  My guess was 119 quilts.  Jasmine sent me this cute drawstring bag for guessing correctly.  Thanks Jasmine! 

I was also the unbelievably lucky person who won Maureen Cracknell's big giveaway of her Nightfall fabric collection. (I feel like I need to duck after I say that ðŸ˜Š )

Yes, I won 12 yards of fabric and a lovely canvas bag made by Maureen herself!

I think I am going to add a few more plum and mustard fabrics to this stack and make myself a new quilt for my bed.  I am a huge fan of Maureen's fabrics so why not make something I can keep and enjoy.

I also won a copy of Cheryl's (Meadow Mist Designs) Outlined Plus pattern recently.  I fell in love with this design when she released it and when I won a choice of her patterns, I knew I wanted this one.  I think it will work wonderfully with Maureen's fabric for my quilt.

 I won Cheryl's pattern and these lovely fabrics above from Soma over at Whims and Fancies.  I participated in her Trunk Full of Quilts event and my name was drawn for one of the prizes. 
Thanks Soma!

I told you, I am one lucky girl!

Linking Up:

Molli Sparkles (Sunday Stash)


***This post contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase,at no additional cost to you,  I may make a small commission, which I appreciate so much!***


Libby in TN said...

Yes, lucky indeed!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you sound like me a couple years ago - I kept winning so many give aways I couldn't believe it - I actually kept track for two years as I was winning so much - one year I won over $300 in fabric and patterns and the next year it was closer to $400 -- this year a couple things here and there - but nothing like a couple years ago :(

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Buy a lottery ticket!! You have been lucky. That's an awesome prize from Maureen Cracknell. Wow.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Wow!! What a haul!!! Congratulations on winning all of that quilty goodness.

Havplenty said...

Yes winning is nice and you have been blessed. I love the owls in Nightfall. Looking forward to seeing what you create with this fabric.

Chantal said...

You're welcome! Well for the first part only. I have nothing to do with the rest. That was just your good fortune. Enjoy all the goodies. (So wonderful fabrics!!) I'm happy for you. ;^)

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

You lucky duck! Enjoy your lovely loot.

Jannette said...

Congratulations! It's so much fun winning fabric-y goodness, and I'm sure you're going to enjoy sewing up those wonderful fabrics!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You deserve every bit of it! That Nightfall fabric will make a beautiful quilt! Have fun playing!

Jo said...

Wow. Wonderful wins. How lucky are you

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Congrats on winning all that loot!! 119 quilts?!? I would not have room to store them all!
xx, CArol

Donna said...

What a haul! Sounds like you'll have fun sewing for the next year. Enjoy your blog very much.

PegP said...

Go buy a lottery ticket!! NOW!!! 119 - my husband thinks there are that many here, but there's no way, at least not yet...

Jayne said...

Holy hell! You are kidding...I seriously would be buying a lottery ticket! Congratulations and it looks like you are set with fabric for a while!

Judy said...

I am STILL totally bummed that I didn't win Maureen's Nightfall! I'm sure you'll put it to good use though. May you have continued good fortune.

Louise said...

The Outlined Plus pattern will be perfect with the Nightfall fabric! Oh my, I'm so looking forward to seeing that!

Congratulations on all your recent loot. Christmas came early for you this year :)

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

How wonderful to win some big stuff like that. Over 100 quilts in your house!!! So great. I think you are so deserving of each of those prizes. Congratulations.!!

Kathryn said...

Wow, you must sleep under a lucky star. Congrats and enjoy using your winnings.

Jasmine said...

Congrats on all your winnings. :) I am do glad to know that I am not the only one with more than 100 quilts. Although Panda thinks there are more like a thousand. (I promise there are not that many.)

Kate said...

Wow, seems luck runs in streaks for sure. You had some very fun and pretty squishy packages show up at your house. Looking forward to seeing all the projects that you make from them.

Pamela Arbour said...

That was a lucky streak! I hope your luck continues. I rarely win anything so I am enjoying your excitement and those were wonderful items to win. Congratulations!


Barb Neiwert said...

My question is how long did it take you to count all your quilts? My goodness, if the power goes out, you'll stay warm and toasty, that's for certain. Have fun making your new quilt with all those yummy fabrics!

claudia said...

Wow! Congratulations on all the wins! You are living your life right and that is why you are so lucky...I call it deserving!
You received some beautiful goodies!

Michelle @ From Bolt to Beauty said...

Woo hoo! I've been lucky lately, too. I was on top of the world when I won the whole Nightfall collection in fat quarters, but -- oh my goodness! -- your pile of that line is HUGE! I look forward to seeing Outlined Plus in that collection. : )

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Congrats!!! YOu have a lot of fun stuff to play with!! Yay!!! 119 quilts eh? Hmmmm I have a goal to strive to - ha ha!! Congrats again!

Janice Holton said...

Jackpot! Those really are lovely fabrics. Can't wait to see the finished product using Cheryl's pattern!

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