With all the excitement of 2014 coming to a close, I almost forgot to share December's Scrap-A-Palooza finished quilt! I admit it has been finished for a while now but a flu bug has zapped my energy and I am lucky if I can get a couple items a day accomplished on my ever growing to-do list!
Hopefully I am over the worst of it!
We started this quilt with Part One, where we narrowed our colorways and pulled our scraps.
I chose a purple floral scrap from a previous quilt back to use as my color inspiration.
In Part Two, I shared the process for determining how to get the best yield from my fabric for the vertical bars. I also shared how I determined how wide my coins needed to be to get the size quilt I was hoping for.
Once the scraps for the coins were cut to size, in Part Three, we simply sewed everything together and assembled up the quilt top.
Well, here is the finished quilt in all of its scrappy goodness.
The colors in this quilt are some I would have not considered putting together in a project but I do find them pleasing to the eye. I always learn so much using my scraps!
And I was able to make a backing from my fabric stash. I had to use two different solids but I like how it turned out.
And now for a few statistics:
Lap Quilt
Size: 55 x 65"
Fabric: All fabric for the quilt top came from the scrap bin. Many of the larger pieces were backing trimmings from previous quilts.
And some older photos to share using this same concept:
For this quilt, I used a Jane Sassaman border print for the color inspiration and vertical bars.
And this one was also made from the back trimmings of a previous quilt. The orange and gray pieces were what was left over when sub-cutting for a pattern. They were already cut to width so I just sewed them together.

As I stated in an earlier post, Scrap-A-Palooza will continue into 2015. Woo Hoo! I am not going to commit to a quilt a month but I will continue sewing up my scraps and sharing the process with you! Feel free to sew along any time!

And don't forget that starting January 4th, I will be hosting Oh Scrap!, a weekly linky party where you can link up your scrappy projects. So don't be bashful, share your ideas for sewing those scraps!
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