To help support my blog, I have signed up to be an affiliate for a few companies. All of these products or companies are ones I believe in and use myself. Using the links supplied on my website and making a purchase may pay me a small commission. This is at no additional cost to you. I thank you so much for your support!
Fat Quarter Shop
The Fat Quarter Shop is a great on-line resource. They have a huge selection and have created a wonderful community in the quilting world. I love their Flash Sales and their Basic of the Month discount. They are also a great place to find free patterns and instructional videos.
Connecting Threads has great pricing on many items. I use them as a resource for backings for my scrap quilts and I like their cotton thread for piecing. When they have a sale, I like to stock up!
I am also an affiliate for Accuquilt. I own their Studio cutting system. Being able to quickly cut standard size or intricate pieces leaves a lot more time for sewing! I also have noticed a lot less pain in my hands as I no longer do a lot of repetitive cutting.
Occasionally, Accuquilt has great sales and you might be surprised at how affordable these machines can be.