Sunday, November 3, 2019

Oh Scrap! : No Giving Up

As I have stated before, I have been evaluating a lot of my projects to determine if there are any I want to give up on and pass on to someone else.  The new year is almost here and I want to be excited about all the UFOs I carry on into next year.

One of the projects on the chopping block was my Bright Hope blocks.  Here they are up on my design wall.  I have tried to create various patterns and even made a few blocks going the other direction to see if that would help.

But it is always a hot mess and I decided this weekend to take it down and give up.  

...but I really do hate to give up.  So in the 20 steps down the hallway from my studio to my sewing room I thought of the advise that I always give my students - ask yourself, can it be sliced, framed, staggered, patterned, grouped....Wait a minute!  Can these blocks be grouped?

I immediately sat at my machine and made these 18" blocks by color.  I think I can live with these!

So this RSC project will live on into next year.  Whew!

Now they are back up on the design wall.  I am waiting to sew up the brown blocks because I haven't planned what size and which colors are going to go into this quilt.  They may not make the cut and end up in the orphan block suitcase.

Linking Up:


Anonymous said...

Nice save

Cathy said...

Glad you didn't have to admit defeat. And that was a great idea to move blocks forward.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Grouped! That's a luminous idea! Last researches in education say it's great to walk or move to think better, looks like it was good for you too ;)

Vicki in MN said...

I do think you have a winner now with the new layout. What about sashing them in the same color solid, as in a solid purple with the purples?

gayle said...

Never give up, never surrender! :)
It's amazing what a difference a change of approach can make. Same blocks, but new possibilities!

Ellie said...

That change is really a winner! So glad you were able to salvage this project. It will be a fun quilt to look at the many different fabrics and see all the variety.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is such great advice to keep in mind! I like what you did with those blocks - so glad you aren't giving up on them. I have one RSC project I need to "reimagine." I think it's going to involve some un-stitching first! ;( Have a great Sunday, Cyndy!

Julierose said...

Great creative save on these--the blocks look super hugs, Julierose

Jayne said...

I wonder what you are up to now! It would have been hard to let these go. I love that an idea eventually came to to and you had the inspiration to keep it going!

The Joyful Quilter said...

I like the Hot Mess, but I'm SEW glad that you were able to arrive at a setting option that will work for you! It is the smart woman who can follow her own advice. :o))

chrisknits said...

What great advice! I will have to keep that in mind for future issues.

Chris said...

What if you made a couple of brown blocks that are 9 x 18?

Robby said...

I really like those grouped. They feel a little "woven" and certainly more cohesive. Look forward to seeing you move this one to the next phase.

Tami Von Zalez said...

I so subscribe to taking a hard look at projects. I unintentionally gain more projects than I can realistically complete. I hope to link up in the next couple of days with a finished baby quilt.

LA Paylor said...

you sound like me... I hate to give up. I'll give up temporarily but eventually I have to make it into something. Your ideas of how to overcome are excellent. Grouping these by color will give you some focus and organization. We'll be watching! Leeanna

Shepherdess55 said...

I learned something new from you each time I read your blog. I've bookmarked this one when I'm in the same situation.

MissPat said...

What a difference grouping the blocks by color made. I think you made a good choice and saved a project, too.

Louise said...

I'm always drawn to grouping colors together, even though I think I "should" be able to work with more scrappy randomness. But there's a bright line between "fun and scrappy" and "messy and chaotic." These 18" blocks are nestled happily into the former neighborhood :)

Yvonne said...

Grouping the colours together was genius. It looks s much more cohesive now.

Linda said...

Sewing up the blocks into larger one- colour blocks really works. Well done for persevering.

Clarice said...

Bright Hopes is one that you need to be extremely particular about. When teaching it, I always say you need to pick 4 colors (or color families) and be very meticulous about always putting the same color in the same place. For example, always put the red on the right, the orange on the left, the blue on the top and the green on the bottom. Now when you sew the blocks together (keeping colors in their proper place) the intersections of the blocks will make it look like the colors are weaving around each center square.

Was a very popular pattern for I Spy quilts, with 4" center and 1" (finished) framing pieces.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Glad you didn't give up, the colors are so beautiful! Happy Stitching!

Nann said...

Great save, Cynthia! And thanks for the design advice.

Bonnie said...

I'm laughing here because I have a group of 5 Bright Hope blocks and I haven't been able to do anything with them either. I'm thinking of taking them apart and repurposing the fabric. They are really old blocks (mid 1980s). I just don't seem them working because they are so busy and so different in colors and patterns. But I like some of the I think I'll spend some quality ripping time with them! Thanks for the suggestions... and grouped yours work very well.

grammajudyb said...

I like them grouped together and there is some great advice in all the comments. Thanks for sharing your solution.

Kate said...

They do look really nice all grouped together, a secondary pattern emerges that really ties the blocks together.

Susan said...

Hate to say it, but I agree with you - a hot mess. How about alternating a solid block? It may help relieve some of the busyness, and maybe you'll get two quilts out of this.

Andrea @ Mouse in My Pocket said...

I really like those blocks grouped together by color.

KaHolly said...

Brilliant save! In the end, you’ll have a stunningly scrappy creation!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Cynthia, what a great idea. Those blocks do look much better!

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