Wednesday, May 6, 2015

SMS Giveaway Day!

Yep - It is that awesome time again!!  The big biannual event we all look forward to.  So many blogs to check out, giveaways to enter, and projects to be inspired by.  Yessiree, it is Giveaway Day hosted by Sew Mama Sew

This will be my third year participating in the event.  As I visit everyone's blog, I always find new sites to follow.  If this is your first time here, let me share a few things with you before I get to my giveaway.

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Every Sunday I host a linky party called Oh Scrap!  Each week you can find lots of inspiration to help you keep on top of the scrap bin.  From quilts to pouches to rugs - there is tons to explore.  If you have scrap projects, feel free to join in the fun!

I also share my Scrap-A-Palooza series of quilts.  Almost every month, I share my process in making a quilt from my scraps. Each quilt is broken down into different parts so if you want to sew along, you are able to.  I not only share my finish but I love to feature the quilts from others who are using the same patterns to make their own quilts from scraps.  You can check out all the quilts by visiting the Scrap-A-Palooza Gallery page.  Here are a few examples of some of the quilts made so far.

Lately, I have been busy getting a number of my original designs written into patterns.  If you are looking for some fun and easy patterns, be sure and check out what I currently have available.  I hope to release a few more in the very near future.
This quilt is made from my Wiggle Time pattern.

So let's just get to the reason all of you are here!!  This time I decided to share some dreamy shot cottons with one lucky reader.  The winner will be chosen randomly.
A total of 10 fat quarters are included in this sweet little bundle! 

To enter, just leave me a comment letting me know what you love about springtime.  I love daffodils, sunny mornings and all the bird activity in my yard.  It is probably my favorite time of year.
And because I so appreciate my followers, you get a second entry.  Just leave an additional comment letting me know how you follow.  Please make sure you’re not a no-reply commenter (or leave an email address in your comment if you’re not sure). I may not be able to reply to all comments left during the giveaway as it gets a bit overwhelming!  But I certainly will try.
The giveaway is open until May 10th, 11pm PST. International guests are always welcome!  

***Sorry, this giveaway is closed!***

Congratulations #19 Anita (Who blogs at Quilt in a not-Shell)

Quilting is more fun than Housework...

Good luck everyone!  And if you have those pesky scraps piling up, you are going to want to follow along to help inspire you to give them some attention!

Linking Up:


1 – 200 of 619   Newer›   Newest»
babiesdoc said...

I like the warm weather and the flowers and the trees just turning green.

Judy H said...

The budding of trees and the flowers unfurling. And that feel in the air that it's getting warmer.

Judy H said...

I follow on bloglovin

Hayley said...

I love the smell of jasmine in the air

Hayley said...

I follow you via Bloglovin

Karen said...

I like the sounds of spring-- kids playing, birds chirping, etc.

Karen said...

I follow you via Bloglovin'.

Carol said...

I love the sweet smell of rainy days, the flowers blooming and my children's excitement at being able to play outside after long winter days.

shayne said...

I love that it's not minus a million degrees anymore.

T said...

I love the morning light!

Julie V said...

My primulas are blooming! :)

Mel said...

I love planting my garden!

Vickie Craddock said...

I too love watching the birds build their nests and the smell of springtime rain on newly tilled earth.

patty a. said...

My favorite part is the longer daylight. It gives me more energy!

Judy@Quilt Paradigm said...

I love that there are more minutes of daylight!

Vickie Craddock said...

Oh I forgot, I don't have a blog but follow you on Bloglovin!


patty a. said...

How I follow - well, when I find a blog that interests me I save it in my favorites and check it several times a week.

Judy@Quilt Paradigm said...

I follow via Bloglovin! That is a beautiful bundle! Thanks for the chance to win it :)

Anita said...

I love the birds singing!

Anita said...

I follow via email.

amy said...

The snow is gone! Ha! I really enjoy the smell of the lilacs in the spring!

amy said...

I follow on Bloglovin.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I love that the days start getting longer again. Thank you for the opportunity! :)

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I follow you via Bloglovin.

Pam said...

warmer weather and rain.

Unknown said...

I love the warmer weather. And the scent of lilacs when they are in bloom.

Unknown said...

I follow on Bloglovin

Jayne said...

I love how it is warming up and I don't have to wear socks and shoes any longer! And I love shot cottons...

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I love all the flowers! Thanks for the chance to win! mto2golsen (at) gmail (dot) com

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I follow with Feedly.

Jayne said...

I follow you via bloglovin....and i LOVE shot cottons! (just funning with you! but I do)

Kristin said...

I love tulips - but I haven't seen any since we moved to Alaska last year...

LethargicLass said...

I love the smells, the earth after a rain, freshly cut grass... I do NOT like the smell of dog poop after the snow melts though... ugh!

Jan Baker said...

I follow you by blog lovin

Kay said...

Thank you for a lovely giveaway. I love spring flowers, especially daffodils and crocuses, also the lighter nights and mornings. x

Jan Baker said...

I love being able to take long walks with my sisters.

Kay said...

I follow with Bloglovin. x

Mel J. said...

I love the birds frolicking in the yard and the smell of freshly mowed grass :)

Lori V. said...

Would love a "shot" at these cottons! I love the songs of the birds and the warmth of the spring sun...not as hot as the summer sun!

Lori V. said...

You are on my Bloglovin feed!

fenna said...

walking barefoot after months of having to wear big boots!

lalaluu said...

I love the temperate weather of spring - not too cold and not too hot. It's fleeting here in Houston and full of tree pollen, but I'll ride with my windows down anyway!

Gene Black said...

I love the return of warm weather and things blooming. I love the slant of the sunlight as it lights up my yard.

Stephanie said...

I love growing things. Gardening is big at my house. Growing our own food is great!

Lynda said...

I follow you via bloglovin

Lynda said...

Autum is my favorite season because of the colors, but spring holds a tight second because of all the freshness and smell of spring flowers.

Julianne said...

I enjoy the warmer weather and the birds!

Julianne said...

I follow on Google

Mokki said...

I love tulips and the scents from all the blossoms on the trees.

Mokki said...

I follow by email.

Jacklynn Grimm said...

I love Spring because the snow is gone!! and everything turns green and the lilacs start blooming. Thanks for the giveaway. jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com

Jacklynn Grimm said...

I follow you via Bloglovin'. jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com

Lesley said...

I love the longer days!

Jodi said...

I love having the window open in my bedroom and be awakened by the birds.

Jodi said...

I follow via bloglovin

Jasmine said...

I have never tried shot cottons. ;) I love blossoms in the trees and open windows.

Jasmine said...

I love reading what you are making and follow with Bloglovin.

Leanne Parsons said...

Such beautiful fabrics! I love so much about spring - the birds coming back, the flowers coming up and being able to go outside without so many layers. Oh, and being able to run outside without fear of breaking my neck on the ice!

Leanne Parsons said...

I follow on Bloglovin.

Sarah Goer Quilts said...

I love watching the backyard trees go from bare to full of leaves seemingly overnight.

Sarah Goer Quilts said...

I follow you on Bloglovin'.

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

Beautiful bundle! I love that the weather is starting to get warmer!

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

I follow you on Bloglovin!

Anita said...

I love seeing the robins again! Such sweet little birds.

Martina said...

I just love hearing the birds in the morning again outside the window!

Martina said...

I follow you via bloglovin'

Anita said...

I am following on Bloglovin.

Cinder Gal said...

My favorite part of Spring is the new life that springs up all over and the fact that summer is just around the corner.

Alison V. said...

I love not having to wear a coat!

Cinder Gal said...

following you on Bloglovin'

Vickie said...

I love the rainy days and flowers

Vickie said...

I follow on bloglovin

Anonymous said...

Flowers, warm breezes, barefeet and taking the little ones outside without 85 layers are springtime treats to me.

Melinda Kiefer said...

I love the warmer days and flowers.

Melinda Kiefer said...

I follow on Bloglovin'.

Anne Simonot said...

I follow you via email.

Anne Simonot said...

Just being able to go outside without a coat is a treat after 6 months of winter.

Kristin said...

I love longer days and lilacs!

Jessica Jo said...

I love the smell of rain. I love planting veggies. I love picnics.

Danette said...

following on bloglovin', Would love those shot cottons! thank you,

Monica said...

I love the wildflowers that bloom here in Texas only in the spring.

audrey said...

Spring is so wonderful. I love it for the tulips and warm temperatures and the fact that my stir crazy kids can play outside! :)

Teresa S. said...

I love the sounds of birds in the spring!

Danette said...

I love Spring! My cat chases and catches the birds in our yard. She is our entertainment! My husband planted 100 tulips in the Fall and they are now up - beautiful! thank you,

Teresa S. said...

I follow you on Bloglovin'!

Terri said...

I love the flowers and all the lovely scents on the breezes.

Terri said...

I follow you on Google. Thanks for a chance.

Anonymous said...

I love it when everything starts to turn green and I can plant flowers and vegetables again.

Shayna said...

Nothing beats sandals and summer dresses!

Katie.Herzog said...

I love all the blooming flowers! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Katie.Herzog said...

I am a bloglovin follower!

Radaufrau said...

i love the warmer weather

Margaret said...

I am with you on the flowers I love daffodils because it means spring is here

Margaret said...

I follow on bloglovin

Wild Irish said...

Don't you just love the Dawn Chorus... beautiful bird song

Wild Irish said...

Already following on bloglovin

everinprogress said...

I love the ever longer days, and (finally!) beautiful weather- although it is snowing today...

everinprogress said...

I'm a follower

Becca said...

I love planning and planting a vegetable garden and anticipating all the delicious summer veggies!

Shauna said...

I love all the flowers of spring, because the color are just so pretty.

Shauna said...

I follow you via bloglovin

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

what a gorgeous bundle! I love finally not having to bundle up to go outside in the spring!

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

I follow via bloglovin

Jean said...

I love the bird songs of early spring and then warmer weather.

Jean said...

I follow on

Jean said...

I follow on

texheks said...

I love all the plants starting to grow in my little garden.

Allison Sews said...

ooooh, so pretty! I love the blooming cherry blossoms in the spring time.

Katy M said...

I love your rainbow quilts so much! My favourite thing is being able to walk home from work in the light :) x

Katy M said...

I follow on bloglovin x

Robin said...

I love the nice weather, getting my veggie garden started and crocuses sprouting up in the middle of my lawn!

Unknown said...

WHat I love about spring is the weather and the flowers that pop up in Louisiana! What I do not like are the snakes that are crawling out all over the place. I live on a small farm with a big pond and the biggest snakes in the world. HA. I'm currently stuck inside because I saw one under my front porch this morning and I aint leaving the house til it is GONE! LOL

Unknown said...

I follow you on blog loving and I love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win! kristenmariej at Hotmail dot com

Kathleen said...

What I like best about springtime is my tulips. I'm so happy to see them, that is if the critters don't use the tender shoots as their personal salad bar!!

Kathleen said...

I follow you via bloglovin. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I've never used shot cottons yet.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

I love Spring - the flowers, scents, Robins - best time of year!

susan said...

I love all the colours! After winter it can be very brown and dirty the colours brighten everything up!

floribunda said...

I follow you via Feedly.

floribunda said...

I like the sequence of flowers blooming in spring (but the hay fever... not so much!)

The Bon said...

I love the fresh dirt smell, and ALLLLLL the colors.

Joyce Carter said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I like the warmer weather, the flowers blooming and the birds singing.

Unknown said...

Flowers blooming

Vicki in MN said...

I follow through Google.

Vicki in MN said...

I love warm weather, wild plum trees, apple and crab trees blossoming!

Cheryl @ Simply Shoeboxes said...

I love the birds singing so much and finding nests.

Cheryl @ Simply Shoeboxes said...

I follow your blog on Bloglovin'.

Dionne Matthies-Buban said...

I'm Following you on Bloglovin'.

Dionne Matthies-Buban said...

I love the way the air smells in Spring.

Janie said...

I love the warmth of the sun.

Shannon P said...

I love the weather-some cool days and some hot days!

Unknown said...

I love the weather getting warmer and not having to wear 20 layers when you leave the house and all the nature coming alive again! Thanks for the giveaway, that's a gorgeous bundle!! Louise (at) orths(dot)co(dot)uk

Unknown said...

I also follow on Bloglovin. louise (at)orths(dot)co(dot)uk

Anonymous said...

I love seeing green again and not having to spend 15 minutes getting my kids dressed for outdoors in winter! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

Anonymous said...

follow you on bloglovin! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

Diane P said...

I love the roses

Unknown said...

I follow via BlogLovin!

Unknown said...

I love the morning sun coming in through my windows as I have my first cup of tea and pick up my crochet hooks. Perfect morning. I sure could put the fabric to good use. Thanks for sharing, fingers crossed!

Brenda said...

I just enjoy getting outside without being bundled up! Love the flowers too.

Brenda said...

I receive your emails. said...

I love the sight of spring flowers hopefully heralding warmer temperatures. said...

Following via email.

Melanie said...

I love the warm weather and not having to wear boots everyday. Thanks for the chance!

Catherine said...

I love, love, love spring! My favorite parts:

* all of the color (after so much white and gray!)

* windows open and a cool breeze

* getting dirty in my garden

Unknown said...

I love watching all the plants & tree sprout new buds.

Nicole said...

Spring means the rainy season is done, and my kids can play outside!!

Susan said...

Love all the spring flowers--the yard is so colorful!

Nicole said...

And I follow you through feedly.

Susan said...

Follow on bloglovin, and enjoy scrap quilts

greeneggs said...

That's a wonderful prize, thank you. It's autumn here in Australia, so hard,to think about spring, but the crisp sunny days and the bright green of new leaves is my favourite part of spring.

greeneggs said...

I'm a follower on bloglovin

JoyceLM said...

I love the warmer days, but still cool nights of Spring, and all the new green things shooting up around. Thanks.

MeasuredandSlow said...

I love spring flowers, especially magnolias and cherry trees!

JoyceLM said...

I'm a follower with Bloglovin'. Thanks again.

MeasuredandSlow said...

Also I follow you on Feedly!

kt said...

I love all the spring flowers and the warmer (but not hot) weather!

Carla said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I love flowering trees in springtime.

Crafty Crow said...

I like to hear the birds outside my daughter's window - they drive my cat crazy. Hahaha.

Thank you for participating in this giveaway opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I love the mild temperature best, and I guess weather would be more precise :)

Anonymous said...

I follow on bloglovin

Jessica said...

I love sitting outside in a cozy sweater with a cup of tea. :)

kris said...

I love sunshine and opening the windows to let the fresh air in.

Alli said...

I love how plants are that new-green color. :)

SuperMomNoCape said...

I love the newness and freshness of spring... the promise of things to come.

Bookworm said...

I love all the new animals. It's sheep country where I live, so cute little lambs are everywhere!

Btw, I LOVE the title of your blog! So true, too... ;)

Kim said...

I love the weather and the flowers blooming everywhere.

Elena said...

I love the flowering trees such as dogwood, magnolia, and cherry blossoms.

Elena said...

I follow your blog on bloglovin'. Thanks for the opportunity!

Kim said...

Just found your blog through SMS. I am following because I love scrap quilts and hope to join you sometime with your scrap link up :-)

Fleurette said...

Beautiful colors in the garden.

Fleurette said...

I follow via Bloglovin.

Ella said...

I love the flowers and the increased sunshine!

Margaret said...

I love the sunshine and longer days!

Margaret said...

I follow via Bloglovin'.

Lara B. said...

Hi Cyndy! My you put together a sweet giveaway bundle!
My favorite part about springtime is the way the air smells so fresh and sweet. And also - how good it is to get out and walk the dogs more often.

martha said...

I love the bright colors after the drab of winter! Especially the flowers!

Lara B. said...

I'm a happy follower of yours for sure - via email and Bloglovin.

martha said...

I am a follower of your blog!

Betsy said...

I love all the shades of green in the spring.

Betsy said...

I follow by email.

Janet M said...

Spring COLORS (after a long winter of neutrals)- the fresh green leaves and flowers in every shade imaginable.

Janet M said...

I have your site bookmarked so I can read it often. I admire your creativity with scraps!

annerobe said...

I love all the bright colors of spring flowers!

theresa said...

I love everything blooming with color and the fragrance of the blooms.

annerobe said...

I follow your blog by email.

Sylvia Anderson said...

Springtime to me means a rebirth of everything that has been dormant for 6 months. I love all the beautiful blooming trees, bushes and flowers that announce the coming of spring.

Jan said...

The best thing about spewing is longer days,.

Jan said...

I follow via email.

Jen Barnard said...

I love the warm weather.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Lori said...

I love shot cottons! What I love about Spring... warmer weather, longer days, flowers pushing up, and Spring green grass.

Quilting Tangent said...

Watching everything come alive after a long winter.

stitchinpenny said...

Springtime is when the baby herons are born near our home and we go take pictures.

Anonymous said...

Spring always brings me new motivation and inspiration to make something fresh your scrapaloozas! Love them! The shot cottons are just what I need.....I have NO solids! Thanks for the chance. Helen G.

Anonymous said...

I follow you by blogloving! and email I think! haha! Helen G.

Erica said...

I love that everything is so bright and green with pops of other colors as flowers bloom

Kathy Davis said...

What I love about Spring? Watching the plants pop through the ground and begin to bloom.
Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis said...

I follow Quilting is more fun than Housework...on Bloglovin as Kathy Davis.

DebraKay Neiman said...

I love the surprise of new flowers blooming and hummingbirds at the feeder. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

DebraKay Neiman said...

I follow you on Bloglovin. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

gmwahl said...

Spring is so very welcome after
the dreary cold Iowa winter.'
Having the windows open to air out the stale air is so refreshing.'
I makes we want to get out the bright fabrics and sew away'
Gladys Wahl

Betsy said...

I love daylight savings time. Means I can be outside longer

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