I see you scrap bin...peeking out from below my cutting table. You think no one notices how you grow and overflow hidden way below eye level. I know at times I seem to ignore you but I have my eye on you! No longer will you languish in the shadows, I am determined to bring you out into the light and find the beauty in your depths!
You and scrap bins everywhere seem to have us quilters stymied over your crumpled mess. Your disarray has intimidated many and built up the reputation that scrap quilts have to be unseemly and disorganized.
But sadly for you, you don't scare me. I have found
beauty before within your depths. Patiently, I will listen to your contents and puzzle out the lovely quilts that are held hostage within you.

First up, a quick sort through you to eliminate solids, tone on tones and neutrals. Today I am looking for your difficult fabrics...the ones that never seem to find a home. The ones that have lived in your deepness for years.
I will start by cutting squares from your shaggy pieces. First 3 1/2" then 2 1/2". I will gently let the quilts evolve.
TaDa - A quick grouping by color and from the larger squares easily comes these blocks.
I love how the colors gradate across the quilt. A closeup reveals the lovliness that is evolving. Mister bin, even at this stage, I believe the win goes to the quilter.
But I know total victory is not mine. The challenge is still there to determine a use for all the bits of bright fabrics on black backgrounds that have collected in your darkest corners.
Stack after stack is cut....so much there to use.....
Wait...A quick sketch creates a block that not only uses theses squares but will create a home for some scrap solids. Double bonus points!
Working a little further, I quickly realize if I sew a combination of these two blocks, I can fill a complete top with your pieces and add fun shades of different solids.
HaHa - challenge met!
And finally, what to do with the other 2 1/2" squares? Luckily I saw something interesting the
Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild was making and it inspired an idea. (I think they call them urban chicken blocks).
Once again, a quick grouping by color and the addition of some solid scraps and these blocks are created. Before I call a victory here, I will need to let this one continue to mature. But even now, I am confident it will look great.
So take that scrap bin. I will leave you to cower back in the shadows under the table. I will let you be for a bit as you build your strength back up. But know this...when you are ready, I will be here waiting to show you again who is boss!
And for my readers, I will continue to work on these quilts and post progress as it happens. Feel free to use any of these ideas as inspiration for tackling your own scrap bin. Get creative and see what evolves!