Most of my week was spent teaching and performing trunk show presentations. So there was not much sewing going on at the home front.
But I sure had a ball sharing my passion with other quilters!
But I sure had a ball sharing my passion with other quilters!
I did find a few fabric bits around my cutting table that fit the criteria for one of my next year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt blocks. I "sashed" a couple with white/black fabrics and am wondering if it might be better if I just stick with mostly black fabrics.
What do you think?
Oh....And sorry I didn't get a chance to leave comments on those of you who linked up last week. I updated my phone and now Blogger is no longer compatible so it won't let me leave a comment. I hope they release an update soon!
Please share your scrap projects. Here are the details for linking up:
- This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
- You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
- If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
- If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
- This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
- Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Quilting is more fun than Housework" width="125" height="125" /></a>
So if you love scrappy projects, feel free to grab my button for your sidebar or posts and get ready to share all your wonderful projects from scraps. And if you have a great idea for using scraps and would like to be featured, feel free to contact me!
Do you have a scrap project to share this week? If so, please link up! Thanks for joining me for Oh Scrap! 11/12/17
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
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Linking Up:
Love Laugh Quilt (Monday Making)
Small Quilts and Doll Quilts (Design Wall Monday)
Cooking Up Quilts (Main Crush Mondays)
Em's ScrapBag (Moving it Forward)
So Scrappy
You'll get more of a checkerboard type pattern if you stick with the mostly black and mostly white backgrounds. Of course it all depends on what your vision of the quilt is, you could go either way and have a fun rainbow quilt.
I do like that black sashing prints that you are using and like the above comment said you would have a nice pattern using that
Hey, it's not 2018 yet!!!
I usually stick with my first instinct when I make quilts - so I'd go with how you are making the blocks alternating black/white and white/black backgrounds because it looks fine to me. (disclaimer...sometimes my first instincts stink so don't take my advice).
I would probably go with using my black and white scraps! Otherwise, the solid black does make the colors pop.
A trunk show of your quilts would be great fun to see! What pattern did you teach? Hope you have a restful Sunday ahead!
Working ahead?!! I've barely thought about 2018 and here you are planning your RSC! I know whatever you do will be wonderful and I love that you are using the black/white as the sashing! I'm sure it was a nice change teaching last week and you'll make up for lost time in the sewing room too!
I think the closer to solid black the addition to the blocks can be, the easier it will be to focus on the colors and scraps. But then again, if you stick with more variety, it will just invite someone to look closer.
I say make both and then decide if the resulting blocks should go into one quilt... or two!!
I would go for the black, it has a simpler look and highlights the colors. Did you upgrade to version 11? I get messages saying Blogger won't work with it, and that they are not making new Blogger versions. I suppose that is because Blogger is from Google and they are such huge rivals. I asked my granddaughter and decided not to upgrade my iPad because it is a lot of stuff I won't use anyway. If you find out anything different, please let me know.
Personally the scrapiest is the bestest! (lol) So go with b/w sashing and w/b sashing. If they can't play nice together you'll end up with two quilts. Win, win if you ask me. Enjoy! ;^)
I like what you have so far. I am convinced that you will come up with a great plan as you always do.
Use the darker black horizontally and the lighter black vertically and it will make a good woven pattern.
My friend is going to make these with her scraps. Good work.
Teaching is lots of fun. I have a class this weekend. The blocks with mostly black are more striking.
I think all of the blocks you showed us look great, and like another commenter said, it depends on what you're going for. This is one of those situations where I like to try things out in EQ software -- do you use EQ? I would photograph or scan the blocks I've made and then set them into virtual quilts to see whether I liked the all black sashing or a mixture. You can copy and paste the blocks you've already made. That's how I tested out my pineapple log cabin color choices after only making one block, because I wanted to be SURE I liked what I was doing before making forty more of them!
I'm liking the all black direction. Somehow, the whites seem a middle-of-the-road value, making those blocks appear a bit lost. But it is your call, because it's what you envision for the quilt.
On first glance I would lend toward the darker sashing to highlight the colored scraps, but I like the comment about using one horizontally and the other vertically. That might be interesting too. Most of my quilts are scrappy ones too. I love scraps.
Do you also do a yearly scrap challenge on your blog?
I've been trying to do the one with the soscrappy blog for years now and never have kept caught up really. I've also never finished anything with what I made!
I was going to change that this year doing a quilt as you go with string blocks but so many other things...and projects....side track me!
I love the idea of the colors in the middle with the black and white on the sides. I'm going to really take that into consideration even though I already have 2 tops to finish, 2 tops that are done, and two quilts that are in the finishing stages.....sigh.
Your blocks look great and I agree with others it will depend on what your doing with them on whether you want to do more black.
I love scrappy, but I think using all darks will look nice. You'll figure it out and it will be great.
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