Sunday, December 29, 2019

Oh Scrap! : In A Slump

I am finding myself in a bit of a creative slump right now.  2019 was a really busy year for me and I think I hit my limits around mid-December.  So for the past few weeks, I have just been focusing on tasks like housework and health so that I feel a bit more in control.

When I have felt like going into my sewing room, I have been working on my Kaffe Fassett orphan block project.  I decided to bring back the dark plum fabric I used in the center to the outside border.  I had a "tunnel" block leftover from a recent finish and cut in half to add to the right border.

I went back to orphan block suitcase and pulled some older Tula Pink blocks.

I decided to slice them diagonally...

...swap around the pieces and turn them into hourglass blocks.  Now they look a bit more similar.

I used them with another Splendid Sampler block for the left border.

I had three more Tula blocks that I thought I might use for the outside corner blocks.

I needed four blocks so I sliced the odd blue one...

...and sewed on one of the leftover inset triangles I had from an old finish.

The bottom border used up more orphan blocks.

 I used up a few more bits for the top border.

And here is the top all finished up.  It is not one of my favorite finishes but the process of fitting all those pieces together keeps my mind exercised.  It measures about 49" x 54".  I wasn't going to finish it but I bought my longarm Pete some new canvas leads I just installed so I need something to quilt to test them out.

Sorry about the lighting on these photos.  But I am a nighttime sewer and there is no natural light!

I only had 5 blocks I ended up not using.  
They will go back into my suitcase for use in a later project.


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 
Quilting is more fun than Housework


karenbbsnow said...

You always amaze me with your use of orphan blocks. I've been trying to use up mine and never seem to get too far. Thanks again for all the work you put into your blog, it's such a great source of inspiration. Wishing you a peaceful and relaxing finish to the holiday season. ...

Meloney said...

I am in the same slump. I really focused on cleaning this weekend when I thought I'd be sewing. But, that is OK, because I'm going to be happy with my environment.
I love what you did with the orphan blocks. It gave me some ideas on working with my leftover pieces.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You are so smart to focus on taking care of yourself and cleaning/organizing your space - especially after a busy year! I hope you're heading toward feeling more rested and refreshed, Cyndy. I like how you used some of that darker plum for the borders of your center section there - it really ties the different blocks together! Have a great Sunday!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sometimes when I get into a slump I start cleaning and organizing - I really don't feel like doing that stuff often and sometimes it makes the fun come back to start something new

Jayne said...

For someone who is in a still were able to manage this beauty! There comes a time every year when we need to focus on something other than quilting. At least for me. It usually doesn't last long because my true passion is quilting!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Only 5 blocks left to go back into the suitcase? Sounds like a BIG win!! Whether it's one of your faves or not.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Cynthia, that's a good finish considering your were in a slump. Although we love quilting, it's really easy to over-do-it. I hope you get your creative energy back after some R&R.

Sewgirl said...

When I get in a slump I try to work on something "easy", like a pot holder, my guild's BOM, a mug rug, etc. I find its starts the creative juices for me and if not, I change direction and read a book or exercise or make a fun meal. Sometimes for me just doing something different is enough to get my mojo back again!

Cathy said...

Good for you for exercising that mind and for using orphans. Those colors are so rich and blend so well.

Here's hoping 2020 is slumpless! Happy New Year! (toot, toot)!

Chantal said...

Excellent work on the orphan block quilt. The border balances things out nicely. Well done! '^)

Nann said...

Sorry you hit a low patch, Cynthia. Good for you to recognize it and react appropriately. The orphan blocks project may not be a favorite but it's a good exercise in design. Here's to a great beginning to 2020!..........And thanks so much for hosting the weekly link up.

Astrid said...

I usually go into a slump at the end of the year, after making a lot of Christmas items for my shop. A few days break from sewing doing other things which have been neglected. This month I got totally obsessed by making log cabin scrap blocks from 1.5 inch strips. (See the link up). It ended up twin size quilt. Love the work on the orphan block quilt.

Mystic Quilter said...

I love your orphan block quilt!! I, like yourself and others here, have felt to fall into a slump/lack of motivation,
at the end of this year. Perhaps we sometimes try and pack too much into our lives and the result is hitting the wall come December and also health problems so easily take hold. I do hope you continue to feel better quickly all ready for 2020 and wishing you a Happy New Year!

Louise said...

When you cut the HSTs in half to make two coordinating QSTs I just said, "Wow!" out loud! What a great idea to merge orphan blocks. I can see using that technique with two or three groups of HSTs to make them into a cohesive cluster. Thank you so much for this idea, woo hoo!

The plummy outer border brought this piece right into focus and it looks really good. Great way to corral some vigorous Kaffe blocks :)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I am still amazed at how much you accomplish - even when in a slump ( my slump.... couch time and netflix.. so unproductive!) BUT! Whats really funny to me... I started hourglass blocks too.... Here't to taking care of yourself, and relaxing a bit... its allowed!

Susan said...

The quilt looks great! And you are not alone in the creative slump, as I'm feeling it too. Must be the holiday madness!

audrey said...

A fun looking quilt with all the various bits and pieces. It really does help to plug along and just enjoy the fabric if nothing else.:) We can't be creative masterminds all the time! lol

Kate said...

Bringing back the dark purple for the outer border really worked well. It's always fun to see how you use up those orphans. Hope you quilty mojo returns soon.

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