Sunday, March 29, 2020

Oh Scrap! : Insanity

First, sorry if I didn't respond to some of your comments.  For some reason comment notifications quit coming to my inbox.
I think I have fixed the problem and it looks like everything is back to normal!

A couple years ago, I decided to start saving fabric selvages.  I have been tossing them in a big laundry basket and not really giving them any thought. Now I am not one to store things I never use - so while I am stuck at home, I decided to get them out and see what I could make with them.  

I decided to chop them up and sort them by color.

Now I have been sewing them into these long strips.  They measure 5.5" x 18.5".  I have worked through all the red, pink and most of the orange now.  

I am committed to finishing this project but I can promise already, that I will no longer be saving my selvages.  I might keep a few with appropriate sayings for more crafty items but in general, they will be going in the bin from now on!

Are you a selvage keeper?


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 
Quilting is more fun than Housework


cityquilter grace said...

heh heh..i too saved them and made a few projects...small ones....but only save them now and then currently...they multiply faster than scraps....but i like how you are using them...hope you DO use them up!

Julierose said...

Nope--I have so many scraps to deal with I have been just tossing selvages--frankly I don't like how they "feel"--too rough. But they do make some striking patterns in use...~ ~ ~ waving from afar Julierose

The Joyful Quilter said...

I love the IDEA of a selvage quilt!! However, I found that I don't particularly care to work with them. With that in mind, my collection is SEW small it MIGHT take up a gallon sized storage bag, if that! I don't blame you for usinge up what you have and being done with them.

Jayne said...

I never really saved selvages. Ones that had pretty colors, designs or sayings I'll save. They just don't inspire me enough to save. I'll be curious as to what you end up making and doing with yours!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Looks like people either love orking with selvages or they don't! I can take them or leave them, too. I'll enjoy seeing what you make with these!

Cathy said...

Let's just say I used to save them. And then I ran out of space. After I finish 2 UFOs that use them they will probably turn into a coins quilt and then into garden ties. I made a large log cabin quilt out of them called Selvage Yard that I had on my bed for awhile but my sister in CA came to visit and insisted she needed it. And so it went home with her. That was one of my quilts that wasn't difficult to part with.

Turid said...

Oh no, these are so pretty you can't throw them away. I've been saving for a long time, just making some small hot pads. But this winter I made a beautiful quilt where I really used most of them. It was for an exhibition/competition at the Norwegian Quilt Guild annual meeting. But that was cancelled due to the situation now, and I don't know what happens to it. Either way I can't show you now.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Hmmm, I'm the kind who doesn't save them. I started a Pinterest Board once for ideas to use them, but as I don't really save them, I don't have enought to make even a hot pad ;))

Chantal said...

Sorry to hear you had some technical problems with the comments. You know my love for small pieces so, yes, I save selvages and I use them. I covered my "foot rocker" with it and it is so nice. It's great for the leg cramps. Anywho! See here if interested
But I understand that it does take up space because you need a lot of selvage to make one project. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for this new project. Stay safe and sew on. ;^)

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I have saved the selvages but luckily being a fairly new quilter, don't have that many. However, I keep seeing very cute projects to use them in so am keeping them. My scraps are mounting as well...again. They really do grow, don't they!

Quilting Babcia said...

I do save longer pieces of selvedges and use them to tie up my tomato plants in the garden. Don't bother working with shorter pieces though.

Vicki Lou said...

Please answer my question about selvage edges. Obviously, I don’t save them. Do you cut them a little wider than necessary so you have enough width to sew two 1/4” seams? They seem like they’d be too narrow to bother with.

Rebecca Grace said...

I wish I'd saved the selvages from my favorite early fabrics, now that I see all of these great projects for using them! Your pink and red selvages are lovely; I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

Joni said...

I save them for the spring swallow bird nests. Hang them on the garden fencing and they disappear. I also use them to tie up my tomato plants. I save the cute ones

Lesley Gilbert said...

After seeing some bags and pouches made with selvedges I started collecting them 3 months ago. At last I have enough to start making something with them. I've also seen that some people buy and sell them, so something to think about :)

Louise said...

Nope, not a saver. I've seen some really cute projects made with them, and I'm happy to be the cheerleader that says, "Great job!" But for myself, I toss 'em :)

JANET said...

I save them, the small triangle cut offs, and small pieces for stuffing. Might as well use it all.

Claire said...

Nope. I missed that train. I like to leave the selvages on the fabric to mark the long grain till I cut out what I need cut--and various cuts of fabric are not used up all at once.

sewyouquilt2 said...

Yeah i had a bin of them. Then said to myself you wont live long enough to use your fabric never mind selvages. I made some cute mugrugs with butterfly selvage
And cute ones.the rest I am afraid got dumped.

Astrid said...

I have a heap with selvages and I recently bought a book 'modern selvage quilting' to get some ideas. Have been busy with 1.5 inch strips and a couple of hours ago I finished a scrappy log cabin quilt top. Don't know when I'll attack the selvages.

compusword said...

I am an AVID selvage sewer. Over 12 inches is my size to keep. The selvages are sewn onto a page/paper-whatever then I decide what block will be constructed from them. As someone else said: When you sew with scraps [and selvages] you never run out of fabric. Liz in Houston

Nancy A: said...

I also have been saving selvages, and am looking forward to seeing what you are going to be doing with yours.

Susan said...

Though I've seen some incredibly beautiful quilts from selvages, they are definitely not on my 'save' list!

MissPat said...

I've saved maybe 5 selvages because they had cute symbols like little chicks, but I'll probably give them to a fellow quilter who's collecting them. Regarding the no notifications for comments, several other bloggers have complained of that, so maybe you should explain how you solved the problem. Seems like this is a regular occurrence every few years.

Mystic Quilter said...

Nice selvedge panels and I love the colour, I just wouldn't have the patience to save all the cut selvedges I'm afraid but I do like to see how quilters have used them in their quilts.

Kate said...

Your selvage purge looks to be going well. You've got a great start on some blocks. I don't save selvages. I'm doing good to have room for the scraps, there's no place to put selvages.

Kathy Hoff said...

I make crochet rugs out salvage strips. I would love to have any of yours you don't want. My 36 in. round rug is so colorful. I'm working on a larger one now. Kathy Hoff in Il.

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