Happy May Everyone! We are having some beautiful spring weather here in the Northwest. I have even found some time to get out in the yard and enjoy the sunshine!
Because I haven't finished much myself lately, I thought I would share with you some more scrap quilts inspired by my Scrap-A-Palooza scrap series. All of these quilts were influenced by February's Scrappy Ripple Quilt.
This beautiful quilt was made by a local friend so I got the pleasure of quilting it for her. I loved how she used some of her smaller pieces in the white sashing....Why didn't I think of that!!
She really used some random fabrics in this one but because she limited the scrap colors, the quilt really came together nicely. Hey, I even see some little four patches in there.
Way to use up those scraps!
Way to use up those scraps!
Alycia over at Alycia Quilts used up some old squares she had laying around her sewing room and made this little quilt. I think the blue sashing really pulled the scraps together. I will have to remember to get more adventurous with my sashing choices. I also love that she went with a wider sashing.
Very nice!
Very nice!
And check out how Joanie over at Joanie's Trendy Quilts used up some of her scraps! What a great way to brighten up a table. My sister recently asked for some everyday placements so I think I will copy Joanie and make some up from my scraps. Thanks Joanie for the inspiration!

To see all the quilts in the series, you can also check out the Scrap-A-Palooza Quilt Gallery.
I hope these lovely quilts have brought some sunshine into your day.
I know they have brightened up mine!
Linking up with Richard and Tanya Quilts, Crazy Mom Quilts, Scrap Basket Sunday and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

If you are sewing along, don't forget to link your Scrap-A-Palooza quilt over at FairyFace Designs for Sarah's Put Your Scraps To Work series.
I so love this quilt.
The ripple quilts are fabulous. What a great way to use up scraps!
Placemats!! That is a Perfect idea for scraps !!!
all are wonderful, but that first one is the bomb, I love how you worked some of the scraps into the sashing, awesome idea.
I love to see what people do with scraps!! Lovely!
Thank you for sharing.
Great quilts! Love this for idea for a quick quilt.
Oh I LOVE that first one! All of these ideas are so effective with such a simple pattern. I love the creativity, love the inspiration and the hostess of all this scrappiness is pretty cool too! ;-) ephdra(at)gmail(dot)com Changed my "Comment as" profile here from Google to URL, so we'll see if that is better now that I've been forced into being a no-reply blogger....
This is so cool! I love seeing what everyone is up to. It's just amazing how different and same they all are.
It is so fun to see the various quilts from the same design! Love how the first one has touches of fabric in the white inner borders. Thanks for sharing my placemats. Now to get them finished. Maybe today!
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