It has been so great to see more and more quilters linking up their scrappy projects here on Oh Scrap! every week. I just love seeing how everyone is tackling their scrap bins.
On this last day of January, I thought I would share one more way you can sew up those scraps
(and help wrap a Veteran in love.)
Alycia over at Alycia Quilts is releasing a tutorial for a scrappy block for every month of 2016.
Above is the block for February.
Alycia is the Quilts of Valor Coordinator for all of Colorado. In 2015, Colorado presented about 600 quilts to Veterans. So if you want to sew up some of your scraps, you can make a few blocks, sew up a whole quilt top or even make an entire quilt and donate it to Quilts of Valor. You can work with a Coordinator in your area (to find out who that is, look under under the regional coordinator tab) or Alycia will be happy to take those blocks off your hands and you can send them directly to her. She has a whole team of wonderful volunteers ready to turn them into beautiful quilts!
Now it is time to link up and share what scrappy projects you have worked on this week. Here are the details for linking up:
- This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
- You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
- If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
- If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
- This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
- Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do!
<a href=""
alt="Quilting is more fun than Housework" width="125" height="125"
So if you love scrappy projects, feel free to grab my button for your sidebar or posts and get ready to share all your wonderful projects from scraps. And if you have a great idea for using scraps and would like to be featured, feel free to contact me!
Do you have a scrap project to share this week? If so, please link up!
Thanks for joining me for Oh Scrap! 1/31/16
Thanks for joining me for Oh Scrap! 1/31/16
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.