Sunday, March 31, 2019

Oh Scrap! : I almost missed it!

I realized in the middle of the night that I had not prepared the post for Oh Scrap! - and we can't have that!  So I trudged across the hall half asleep and quickly wrote this post.

 We had a couple of days of beautiful weather and rather than sew, I have been spending my time in my gardens.  Right now, they do not look as green and lush as this photo but they are filled with new growth and will be springing forth shortly!

Happy Sunday everyone...I am going back to bed!


Shelina said...

Now that is some dedication!

Vicki in MN said...

Hope you were able to get back to sleep!! I'd probably lie awake thinking of what all I wanted to get done the next day or week or month, LOL

Cathy said...

Funny girl!!
Wish I had that much green in my gardens now. What little bits I do see the deer seem to be snacking on.

Kate said...

Sorry for the interrupted sleep. Your brain thinks of the most darndest things when you are trying to shut down for the night. Hope you were able to get back to sleep.

Jayne said...

That is so funny!! We all thank you for the dedication and loss of sleep! It wouldn't be sunday without Oh Scrap!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm so glad you've had the chance to play in the garden this week, because I know you love it! I hope you'll share progress pictures as things begin to grow and bloom.

The Joyful Quilter said...

I think I might have waited for morning. Even though I've been waiting for this ALL week!! Planned on linking my Tiny Supernova, but decided that Angels in Gumboots were more important. Sharing that small quilt in another Link Party took a backseat, as I'm offering to collect blocks to send to New Zealand!
Happy Quilting!

gayle said...

Well, thank you for your dedication! Can you picture us all milling around and asking each other "Where can she be?" and "She's awfully late today, isn't she?" We'd be lost without you! 8)
Envying you all that garden green! We're quite a ways from that yet!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Thanks for getting up Cynthia! We do love your linking party. :-)

Mystic Quilter said...

Hope you managed to pack more sleep in Cynthia. Your ferns do look beautifully green and I guess now you're heading into Spring the garden will jeep you busy.

cdpquilter said...

I love ferns. What a pretty little corner.

I enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for all your inspiration.

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