Sunday, January 31, 2021

Oh Scrap! : Pinwheels

 I love it when I arrive at a plan!

I have a bunch of these cute little 4.5" pinwheel blocks in blue stacked up on my ironing board.

They are leftover bonus triangles from this scrappy quilt I made.

This year I decided to make a similar quilt for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge so I am ending up with even more little pinwheels.

Well, I finally decided to combine the two projects into these cute pinwheel blocks.  Each block will have two blue and two RSC pinwheels.  So far, I have completed pink and yellow.  I also plan on adding a tiny colorful cornerstone in each.  At the end of the year, there should be enough to make a lap quilt - that is if my math is correct :)

What scrappy projects are you planning this year?

Linking Up:

Love Laugh Quilt (Monday Making)

I have added a new affiliate to my site.  Pineapple Fabrics has some lovely fabrics - including some great deals in their clearance section.  Use code PINE5 for 5% off sitewide.


Cathy said...

Excellent plan!

Ivani said...

Cute pinwheels blocks.

Turid said...

We always end up with more scraps and more orphan blocks. But that's great. I just finished a totally scrappy pineapple quilt. Now I'm making a scrappy quilt from old curtains and other old fabrics. Hope it will end up as beautiful as I see it in my head.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you have a lot of colorful pieces!

Wendy F said...

Super cute pinwheel blocks! It will be fun to watch them grow. Thanks for the inspiration!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's always fun to see what quilters can do with bonus HSTs! Your pinwheels are going to be fun in a rainbow of colors. Have a great Sunday, Cyndy! said...

Those pinwheel blocks rock. I too make pinwheels out of the trimmed bonus triangles. I like where you are going with pinwheels! I'm making string blocks this year. I should reduce the bags of strings hanging about my space greatly in the next year. . . .should being the operative word because I know that I'll be trimming and adding more strings to the mix as I work on other projects!

Jayne said...

Having a plan is half the battle! I love what you've done with the pinwheels!

The Joyful Quilter said...

That sounds like a great use for your Bonus Pinwheel blocks, Cynthia!!

Bernie Kringel said...

Fun plan for a rainbow quilt Cyndy. I am thrilled to be using up tons of scraps and stash lately. Today I am working on a number of placemats for our local Meals on Wheels organization. (Our guild is doing this as a community service effort) These are the best for using up orphan blocks. Fun stuff. :-)

Gretchen Weaver said...

I love your flying geese blocks, happy stitching!

gayle said...

I really love those flying geese blocks! And adorable pinwheels as a bonus? Perfect!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

How wonderful you have figured out how you want to use your bonus blocks and what a cute pinwheel project you have going on. I look forward to seeing your progress . Thank you for hosting the link party and happy quilting

Anonymous said...

You’re making me want to make pinwheels!


Susan said...

Great plan! Hope you don't get tired of making pinwheels!

Bonnie said...

Wait! Are you done with your yellow for all of the month? Or are there other projects you'll be showing us this month? I like the plan but ick -- 4.5" blocks so tiny! I am way over small blocks since I did many of them in late 80s and early 90s. Enjoy your cute little blocks. I'm wondering what you'll be sharing next week!

Quilter Kathy said...

Isn't is fun how each project inspires another one?!?!

Deb said...

That is a great way to utilize the blue pinwheels. The combined blocks are adorable!

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