Sunday, June 30, 2019

Oh Scrap! : A Bit of Progress

I am not too sure where all the time went this week.  
But I sure don't feel like I got a lot accomplished!

I have been slowly sewing up more flowers for my improv garden quilt.  These blocks do take a bit of time to sew - it is definitely not a speedy project.

And as a leader/ender project, I finished up five more blue log cabin blocks.

I did take the time to put my blocks back up on a design wall.  I think this will be the final layout.  Now I know I just need 15 more blue and three more green blocks to complete the design.

I hope to finish this one soon!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 
Quilting is more fun than Housework

Friday, June 28, 2019

Something a little Different

I have something a little bit different to share as my finish for the week.

My long time friend Sheila Sinclair Snyder (License to Quilt) teaches how to paint a Barn Quilt.  I was able to take one of her awesome classes and here is the block I painted.

It was a really fun class.  She has all of the supplies and has everything prepared and ready - all you have to do is show up, choose your block and your colors and start painting!

I took the class with a good friend.  I really liked her block too.

I had a few options on where to hang it.  I could put it on my house where my clients park, or the gate as you enter my back yard. 

 But I decided to put it on the fence in my gardens so I could enjoy it more.

Sheila is a great instructor and I highly recommend the class.  If you belong to a guild, she can come do a workshop or you can contact her to find out where she is teaching next.  

Now I can get back to my fabrics!

Speaking of fabric - I thought I would remind you that Connecting Threads has a coupon code that will take off 20% off all of their clearance fabrics.  This is a final call because the sale ends Saturday!

Take 20 promo

Just apply the coupon code TAKE20  when you check out.  I already have a big box on its way to me!

Monday, June 24, 2019

Think About Backings

One great thing about scrappy quilts, is that it is easy to use backings that you have on hand.  That means, you can stock up when there is a great sale.

I woke up to see that Connecting Threads has a coupon code that will take off 20% off all of their clearance fabrics.  This is a great time to pick up some backing pieces for your stash.  Above is the rainbow of fabrics I picked up the last time they had a sale.  I have already used up many of these fabrics and now I am ready for more.

I thought I would pop in this morning and let you know about the sale too!

Take 20 promo

Just apply the coupon code TAKE20  when you check out.  I already have a big box on its way to me!

***This post contains affiliate links.  I appreciate the support!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Oh Scrap! : Wanna Join Me?

Happy Sunday Everyone!

It is my favorite day of the week because I get to see what all of you have been up to with your scraps.

I am also excited today because I can announce that I am going to be an instructor on a scrap retreat  Yes, you can grab a friend and a pile of scraps and spend three days with me turning those scraps into some lovely quilts.

The venue is at the Stars Aligned Quilting Retreat.  It is located here in Eugene Oregon.  There are two lovely houses with wonderful room choices.  And a really nice crafting studio where we can let the scraps fly!

The dates are Thursday September 19th through Sunday September 22nd.  

Thursday evening I will be sharing my scrap quilts and discussing my inspiration, design choices and how I store my scraps.

The fun starts Friday morning as each student starts evaluating their own scraps and identifying the best scrappy design and color scheme for the scraps they have.  Yep!  Everyone is going to be making a different quilt designed specifically for the scraps they have!

Once everyone gets going, I will leave you to the sewing and be back Saturday morning for any further assistance.  Maybe I will come back to some finished quilt tops!

You can read more about the event here.  I would love to meet some of you in person.  
I think it is going to be a whole lot of fun!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 
Quilting is more fun than Housework

Linking Up:

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