Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 Every time I start playing in my orphan block suitcase, I end up starting a lot of new projects.

I don't often have a large number of any one block but I did find 15 of these gay toned blocks.  They measure (clos to) 6" square.  I find them kind of boring as they are and I think that is why I haven't used them yet.

So today I was inspired to cut them all in half.

I them gave the pieces a flip and sewed them back together again.  The next step was to trim them all down to 5" square.  I like how the colors are a lot more balanced.  I have an idea now how to use them so it is just a matter of me pulling the scraps I need. 

But that will have to be a job for another day...

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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Oh Scrap! : Orphan Block Progress

 I have been finding some big blocks of time to spend in my sewing room lately - but the projects I am working on are all so time consuming.  That means the progress has been slow.

This "medallion style" quilt from a bunch of orphan blocks is the project that is using most of my time.  I spent the weekend finishing up the green round of blocks. Right now it measures about 36" square.

Next, I plan on adding some gray blocks to create one more round of borders.  I will need to track down some scraps to create a few more geese components.  I will also need some gray fabric to extend the border to the edges.  I am not sure what the next steps will be - I like that to be a mystery!

Do you like playing with orphan blocks?  


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Linking Up:

Love Laugh Quilt (Monday Making)

Friday, September 25, 2020

Barn Quilts - License to Quilt

Last summer a friend and I took Sheila Sinclair Snyder's barn quilt class.  Like me, Sheila travels to various groups and guilds teaching this class and many others.  But due to the pandemic, teaching to groups has been put on hold.  Who knows when we will get back to being able to meet fellow quilters in person!

Sheila and I have been in contact throughout this lockdown period.  It is always nice to be able to talk to someone and bounce ideas on how to replace the lost income we both experienced due to the virus.

One of the things Sheila worked on was to get  kits for her barn quilts available for purchase.  The kits includes all the more difficult materials to procure so that all you have to buy is the paint. She also has included instructions on how you can make your own. You can now purchase it from Quiltfolk or directly from her Etsy shop. You will also find what items are included in the kit.

I always love to see all the barn quilts made in her classes.  She shares photos on her Facebook page and her website.

Mine has been hanging on my fence since I finished it.  I can see it from my quilting studio and I really enjoy the view when the weather is gloomy and rainy.

Sheila also has her Colorwheel Pincushion kits for sale now too.
Both of these items are a fun project to make while you are stuck at home!

I hope you give her kits a look!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Oh Scrap! : Bit by Bit

 As I was digging through all the bags and tubs of partially finished projects to see if there were any items I wanted to adopt out in the Quilty Orphan Adoption event, I came across a bag of a partially started scrap vortex project I adopted from a friend.  

I had stuffed it in a bag and have been adding to it as I came across sewed pieces in the correct color combinations.  I decided to raid my orphan block stash to see what else I could contribute...

The colors are mostly purples and turquoise.  I added all sorts of bits and bobs and sewn components from a bunch of long past projects.

And before I knew it, I had to admit I had started a new project.  

This quilt won't be that big when it is finished - probably about 40 x 50".  It emptied a bag of scraps and used a number of my orphan blocks so I am calling it a big win.  I don't have much farther to go to finish it up.  It has been a great way to use up a bunch of scraps without having to do a lot of cutting or planning.

What are you making with your scraps?


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Cut Time, Quilt More

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Help Me Let Them Go

 I have been saving selvages for quite a while.  

I recently got them out and made this quilt using them.  Upon finishing it, I decided making things with selvages really isn't for me.  But do you think I can dump all the ones I have saved to date away?

I still have a fairly large stash of them that I just can't seem to toss in the trash.  So I am hoping someone can use them and save me from myself :)

Some of them are long and some have been trimmed down to about 5-6" long.

These are sitting on a 24" x 36" mat so you can see approximately how many there are.  

They weigh 11 ounces bagged.

If you would like to adopt these, please let me know in the comments that you are interested.  
(Note, your comment should be made directly on my blog and not through Bloglovin' - it does not allow me access to your contact information so I have no way of getting ahold of you if you win.)

I will ship anywhere in the US for free.  Please note that I will be cramming these into the smallest envelope I can so expect to make some time to press them when you receive them!

I will be selecting a winner from those that are interested Sunday the 20th so be sure to comment before then.  If there is more than one candidate, I will select a winner using a random number generator.  Please make sure I can get ahold of you!  If you are not positive if your email is available, please leave it in your comment.  Thanks!

The winner has been selected.

Quilting is more fun than Housework

There are other items being adopted out by quilters so be sure and check them all out.  Also, if you have items you would like to put up for adoption, you have until the 14th to link up.  Time to clean out those UFOs!

Fall 2020 Quilty Orphan Adoption Event

Do you have a long list of UFOs that you feel like you will never get done?  Adopting out an unloved UFO may be a better option than finishing it yourself!

I have been working for years to continue to work down my list.  I think I am under 20 projects now.  But every once in a while, I start something that I know I don't want to finish.  And with a LONG list of quilts I want to make in the future, I find it is nice to pass the unwanted onto someone else.

So a number of years ago, I started hosting a twice yearly event that allows others to link up their unloved items and send them off to someone else to finish.  Probably close to a hundred quilts have been adopted and finished.

Well my friends, it is time again to look through those projects and see if there are items that you would like to get into the hands of someone who will finish them!

Above is a photo of a quilt that was made from orphans I sent off.  I still can't believe the beauty that was made from a bunch of bits and blocks I never liked.  If I had not sent it off, it would still probably reside in a bag in my cupboard.

And the quilt was donated to a children's charity so that warms my heart!


Now it is time for this Fall's Quilty Adoption Event!

Orphan Adoption Event

September 17th through September 19th 2020

Here are some more details:

1.  I am going to ask that any "orphan" linked up must be given away for free.  (If you are wanting to destash for money, there are other venues to do that.)  I think it is fair that if you need to, you can ask that shipping costs be paid.  Just be sure and put that information clearly in your post.  And know that both parties enter into the deal at their own risk.  I hold no responsibility.
2. Have clear pictures and descriptions on what you are putting up for adoption.
3. Define the criteria for how you will decide who will adopt the item.  Is it a random number giveaway, do you only want it to go to charity, or is there some other criteria that needs to be met?
4.  Be sure and identify where you are located and where you are willing to ship to.
5. Define how long you are keeping the adoption open and when you expect to award the adoption.
6. Remember to link back to my blog so your readers can see what else is being offered.  And feel free to grab a button!

The ability to link up your blog, Instagram, Flickr, or Facebook post will be open through the end of the day Saturday September 19th PST.  You can award your adoption on any date you choose after Sunday the 20th.  Feel free to offer as little or as much as you want.  It can be blocks, books/patterns, kits, printed panels, fabric, quilt tops...anything that you hope someone else will use and you wish to get rid of the burden.


And if you are looking to adopt a project, please read each blog post and be sure you only offer to adopt those orphans you know you can finish.  The object of this event is to get these things finished, not just stored on another shelf.  Thanks!

Linking Up:

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