Sunday, May 2, 2021

Oh Scrap! : Already May

Last Sunday I shared the single green color block that I had made for MARCH.  Now we are at the first of May and I am so far behind!


I did finish the other three green blocks I had cut out.  I am making these with 2" cut strips so I square them up to 12".

I still have to make about 4 blue blocks for April.  I don't even have those cut yet!

But the good news is I made the test blocks for this quilt in Red so the month of May is done.  Hopefully now I can get caught up with all of the RSC projects this month.

My focus this week was mainly on getting this HRT quilt top completed and the backing pieced so it is ready to get on my longarm frame if I end up with an opening this week.

The first peony bloomed in my peony garden.  I have six different varieties.  Usually once the first one blooms, the rain sets in and pounds them into the ground.  Every. Darn. Year.

Maybe this year will be different :)

Whether you are considering buying or if you already have an AccuQuilt fabric cutter, there are some great deals going on now.  Check it out!


maggie fellow said...

I like the scrappy block - they look so nice on the design wall. Our peony won't bloom until the end of May.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your color blocks - blue will be a great addition to them. Wow on the peony - so pretty! Hope you have a great Sunday, Cyndy!

Rebecca Grace said...

I can't get over how much I love your HRT quilt, Cynthia! I'm looking forward to seeing how you'll quilt it. And that peony is stunning. We had that problem with them when we had them in our garden in NJ but I think we staked each bloom to keep them upright so we could enjoy them? Or is your rain completely washing them out so there are no more blooms at all?

Jayne said...

Peonies always remind me of my Grama! Yours is a gorgeous color! Nothing like a beautiful HRT quilt finished and ready for quilting. It never gets old seeing how amazing they look.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I really like that last quilt that you show

Ivani said...

Your blocks look great together, Cynthia. Beautiful peony.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on getting your HRT quilt top completed! Bonus points for piecing the backing, as you wait for an opening in your schedule. About those color blocks... They look like SEW much fun, Cynthia!

Chris said...

I love peonies. They do not bloom here in Ontario Canada until early June. I think they get pounded because they are so top heavy when they open up.

LA Paylor said...

ohhh peonies... what a lovely scent and flower. Is it covered in ants?

Chantal said...

I have to play catch up with my RSC blocks too. No tulips done so far. And none in the garden either. Love your peonies. It's just too bad that the flower is so heavy for such a small stem. My SIL have lots too and she has the same problem. ;^)

Libby in TN said...

I have the same problem with my peonies. It's supposed to rain the next 3 days ...

gayle said...

EXCELLENT plan making your sample blocks in red!
Good luck with the peonies! (When my brother and I were little, we used to call them 'ant flowers'...)

Lisa in Port Hope said...

I love that your scrappy blocks don't have triangles. Good luck with the peonies, mine are a few weeks away yet.

MissPat said...

You'll catch up with your scrappy blocks in no time. I love peonies and that's a beauty, but they do always seem to attract stormy weather just as they are at their peak. I have the same problem with the German bearded Iris.

Bonnie said...

The peony is beautiful. Love that color. Here's hoping you can enjoy a few days, dare I say weeks, without the rain coming in? Sounds like you've got a plan to catch up with RSC this month. Hope it works. I really like the half rectangle blocks. I'm looking forward to seeing the whole quilt.

KaHolly said...

Your RSC blocks are delicious!

Mystic Quilter said...

Love the RSC Lego blocks and the gorgeous red peony is amazing.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Cool Blocks!! We need a little pause to catch up right? haha!

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