Friday, July 26, 2024

It Takes a Village

I can't thank enough for all the quilt tops we have received here at Many Hands and Many Hearts.  It has been a bit of a challenge to get them all quilted in a timely manner. 

 But we continue to work away at them!

This quilt top was sent in by Mina.  I think she sent in a total of three in this design.  It is definitely a design I want to try.

This turquoise fabric sent in by Karen wasn't quite big enough, but I just added in a chunky scrap I had to make it work.

I think these quilts measure 63 x 72".

Deana rescued some blocks and strips sets from an estate sell.  I think it was probably some version of a wedding ring UFO.  With a little creativity, I was able to turn all the blocks into this fun quilt.

We had a hard time finding a backing so we used this reddish brown mottled fabric that Pat sent in.  I am glad we used a solid-ish print because local quilter Laura really did some lovely quilting that shows so well!

This quilt measures 48" x 64".

Joni sent in this lovely scrappy quilt top a while ago.  The rose fabric really frames it off so nicely.  Laura also quilted this one for us.

Dorothy sent us this beautiful rose fabric a while ago too.  They have just been waiting to be sent out to a quilter.  Laura also sews on the binding for us!

I think this one is about 75" square.

Here is one more quilt top sent in by Mina.  I wish the lighting was better because the houses are so much fun to look at.  You know I love scrappy quilts!

Local quilter Terry quilted up this one.  It is a big size so I am happy she loves to do the large quilts.

A fun green backing and a scrappy binding finishes this one off.

This one measures about 70 x 80.

Some of my local friends are purging some of their completed but unused quilts and donating them.  Here is lovely quilt made from Asian fabrics.

Check out this backing. This quilt really is lovely and much appreciated!

It measures about 55 x 65".

I am sure some of you are wondering when you will see your donated quilt top.  It is hard for me to predict.  Most of the donated quilt tops get sent out to quilters - I tend to work on mainly the block drive quilts.  I have a handful of quilters and they all like certain sized quilts.  Plus they all work at different speeds.  So I might send out a quilt and not see it for many months.

Often, we get just quilt tops so we have to find that perfect print that is just the right size.  That can take some time.  I also admit that when I find myself with some time to work on these quilts, I tend to grab what I can get done the easiest.

But rest assured that they will all get finished and donated as soon as we are able to get to them.  I am always looking for more local quilters to help out.  When I can, you will find me at various sewing groups with a trunkful of kits to hand out!

I am surprised they keep inviting me back!


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The reddish brown backing fabric for the wedding ring UFO shows off the quilting so well. It's exciting to see all of the quilts coming in now; all your hard work and organization is definitely showing! said...

Those are all just wonderful quilts. I am very into scrappy so that scrappy one by Joni caught my eye. What a great idea to use the rose fabric as a frame.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are so pretty! You and your helpers have done a wonderful job with them. It sounds like you get lots sent your way. Thanks for making them beautiful for people who need comfort!

Chantal said...

Wonderful quilt parade. Love every single one for different reasons, of course. Amazing job, ladies. Bravo! ;^)

Vicki W said...

You received some great quilts! I love that first one.

Mystic Quilter said...

Amazing!! Such a great selection of quilts you're showing us, my favourite is the first one And I think I've seen this pattern many times on blogs, one I think I'd like to make.

Kate said...

Some really great quilts for donation. Your helpers are really talented. said...

Whaat a generous group of quilters, binders, piecers, block builders you have supporting the cause. Their time and donations sure have made some wonderful quilts. I'm impressed with the wedding ring UFO finish. That one goes to show any project can be finished with a little thought!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Fabulous quilt show!!! Love Mina's first quilt--fabrics & the design! Great job, quilters, all!!!

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