Sunday, July 28, 2024

Oh Scrap! : Rows Complete

 This week, I had to spend a lot of time putting together kits for longarm quilters. It is a slow process because it usually means I have to prepare a backing too. But I made sure I found some time to advance my scrap quilt project.

I was able to get all the rows sewn on my scrappy HSTs quilt. Now I just need to press all the seams before I can sew the rows together. I am really happy with how this is turning out and am very motivated to finish it.

Maybe I will have a completed quilt top to share next week!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

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Vicki in MN said...

It's beautiful Cynthia!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is turning out to be so pretty! I love the designs that can be made with HSTs, and to have them be made of scraps is even better. Looks like the perfect project to play with whenever you want a little time off from the Many Hands blocks. Have a great Sunday, Cyndy!

Kate said...

Love the setting for those string HSTs. Fingers crossed you find time to stitch it all together this week.

Chantal said...

I like it very much too. Happy to hear you had some free time to do your own sewing. Enjoy! ;^) said...

I'd be motivated to finish this top too! It is a WOW!!! I'm glad you were able to take some time to work on your own project!

Linda Swanekamp said...

It is a very striking quilt- clean and sharp and dynamic!

Bonnie said...

Ditto what everyone else said. Terrific quilt. And, it's string quilting? Even better.

Rebecca Grace said...

It looks great, Cynthia! And I feel for you with the kit prep. Preparing quilt backings is boring enough when it's for your own quilt, but when you're making backings for other people it's drudgery!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Looks great! I'm glad you are still getting time for fun sewing, too.

Marie said...

It's always nice when you can move your project along while moving the bigger project along too. Love the strings.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Cynthia, your scrappy HSTs quilt looks great. Love those fabrics!

The Joyful Quilter said...

That's one of my favorite patterns for scrap quilts. Even better in a rainbow of colors!

Jean fletcher said...

That's going to be a beautiful quilt!

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