It was so much fun to discover over the past week how many people were sewing along and having fun with scraps. A few people have even finished their quilt top so I will be sharing some pictures later in the post!
Here we are at the final post for Quilt #1. At this step, the quilt should be quilted and bound and ready to share! Not started yet? No worries, I will be setting up a separate page with photos of each quilt and links to all the parts so you can sew them up if you so desire in the future.
In Part One, we narrowed our colorways and pulled our scraps.
We also determined our row height and cut our scraps to size.
Part Two had us laying out our blocks and sewing up our strips.
This quilt works great as a leaders and enders project!
Last week in Part Three, we added sashing and talked about some quilting options.
And just how did I quilt mine?
My initial plan was to simply quilt some horizontal straight lines But because my backing was a stripe, I didn't want to try and match the stripes.... I ended up going with some wavy quilting in a black thread.
Another easy peasy quilting design!
Here is a picture of the finished quilt. It definitely has a very masculine feel to it!
And now for a few statistics:
Size: 46 x 57"
Fabric: Used Parson Gray scraps as Inspiration. All the fabric came from the scrap bin
Total Pieces: Approx 153 pieces ranging from 1.5" x 5" up to 7" x 5".
Sashing Fabric Used: 3/4 yard
And some other photos to share using this pattern:

Here is a twin quilt I made alternating red and blue bars of scraps. Note that even the height of the rows are different to get the best yield out of scrap sizes.
Here is the quilt top finished by Barb over at Mountain Quiltworks. The blue sashing really sets off nicely the bright colors she chose from her stash.
Such a happy quilt!

Here is a quilt top a non-blogging friend of mine finished this week. She made this entirely from the scraps leftover from a previous project! She ran her strips vertically and used varying widths. I also liked how she only placed sashing between some of the rows.
Love the teal solids in this one!
I wanted to share another quilt of mine using this pattern where I chose not to use any sashing at all. Instead, I sewed in a small solid strip between the prints in the rows.
This is a great way to use up those leftover chunks of fabrics!
There are a few more projects out there so I hope to add more pictures at a later date. The fabrics you use and the block sizes you choose can really change the look of these quilts. I hope you find some inspiration in your scrap bin and give it a try. Please share pictures if you do...I would love to see them!
Curious what Quilt #2 will be? You will have to wait until the first week of February to find out! I will tell you that it will be appropriate for using those bigger chunks of scraps, charm squares or if you precut your scraps into 2 1/2", this quilt will be perfect. Hope you stay tuned.
Why Scrap-A-Palooza? Because Quilting is more fun than Housework!
Linking up with My Quilt Infatuation, Live A Colorful Life, Pretty Bobbins, TGIFF, Richard and Tanya Quilts, Crazy Mom Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

If you are sewing along, don't forget to link your Scrap-A-Palooza quilt over at FairyFace Designs for Sarah's Put Your Scraps To Work series.