I love it when I arrive at a plan!
What scrappy projects are you planning this year?
Linking Up:
Love Laugh Quilt (Monday Making)
I love it when I arrive at a plan!
What scrappy projects are you planning this year?
Today I thought I would share another finish from the third module of my Scrap Mixology pattern series. This block design is called the Chaser Block.
I gutted and remodeled my kitchen back in December of 2013. I had a long list of items I wanted to make to decorate it. Many I finished but there are some projects I still have on my "to-do" list. Well, Enough is Enough and I just need to make it a priority and finish them.
Getting them finished means I will be able to cross off FOUR items on my UFO list.
This new year began with a flurry of new starts for me. Before I could get a handle on it, I had started almost half a dozen new quilts.
I am definitely starting this year out with a bunch of colorful finishes. This week I have another scrappy quilt made with my Kaffe Fassett fabrics.
For this quilt I used mostly warm colored scraps. I chopped them all into 4.5" wide strips and just started sewing.
I pulled a cantaloupe colored background piece I bought at Connectng Threads last year. I looked to see if they still have it but couldn't find it. They always have lots of Blenders to choose from and rotate the patterns often.
I mentioned in a previous post that one of the things I was doing in the new year was to participate in one of Annie's Mystery Stitch Alongs. Earlier this month we received out first chapter and the pattern for the first block.
I finally finished all of my pink RSC blocks for the month of January. With seven projects going, it takes a bit to get them all sewn.
It is no secret that I love to play with scraps. And when I do, I like to keep the designs simple, versatile and I always love to play with color.
One of my favorite scrap quilters is Sally over at The Object of Design. I actually have met her in person a couple of times so I feel pretty special!
During the pandemic, she has hosted a few "scrap" giveaways - I really don't need any scraps but during her last giveaway, I commented that I was running low on low volume pieces. Well, I won and a package soon arrived on my doorstep!