Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Backing Fabrics

 It is always fun to receive some happy mail!

Recently I took advantage of a sale at Connecting Threads and purchased a whole bunch of 2.5 yard cuts of 108" backing fabrics.  I bought both a light denim and dark denim chambray.  Not only can I use these as backings, but they would also make a nice background fabric.

They also added these Hand Drawn Lines pieces to their inventory again.  I have purchased them in the past and they are a favorite.

I also bought pieces of  Word Play and Multi Dot - these will work with just about any scrap quilt. I like 2.5" yard cuts because they can be used for a larger bed quilt or I can sometimes get two lap quilts out of each cut with some creative piecing.

I like to have a stash of backings so that when I am finished with a quilt top, I can shop right at my house.  I just don't have the patience to shop for backings at the end of the process - I want to be able to get right to the quilting.  Plus this way, I can take advantage of sales when I see them!

Now I just need to get some projects finished!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Oh Scrap! : Postage Stamp Blocks

 Oh Dear - Here it is the last weekend of the March and I still don't have all my green RSC blocks completed.  Where did this month go?!?

I did finish five more postage stamp blocks - the challenge for me right now is finding some scraps of solids in colors I haven't used yet.  I do have some larger cuts of stash I can use if necessary.  But I always like to use my scraps first!

The rest of my RSC blocks will have to be completed in April when I work on the next color.  It is hard for me to find sewing time in the many other outdoor distractions!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Two More Finishes

 I was quite productive this week and finished sewing on the binding for two more Covered In Love Quilts.

This is the second Red, White and Blue quilt I have shared.  You can see the first one here.  I believe these blocks were all made last summer.  I think Kat mentioned that these were the last of the blocks from that block drive.

A bright red backing and bright blue binding finished everything off nicely.  

Here is another finish.  I think this one is my favorite.  I love the mix of different sized stars with the framed blocks.  The colors in this quilt are more toward the Americana - lots of creams and tans in place of the white.

I quilted it all over with some simple swirls.

I don't know if you know this but every Covered in Love quilt gets a label.  I always add the label to the backing before I quilt it.

I am now working on sewing the bindings on the sunflower quilts.  I have everything quilted at this point. I guess there are a few movies in my future as I sit and sew.

But this weekend is supposed to be fairly warm and sunny here.  I had a big load of soil delivered so I will be behind a shovel for the next few days.

....and I am excited about it!
Hope you have something fun planned for your weekend too.


Linking Up:

Connecting Threads has just announced two new Block of the Month projects

 It is really hard to pick a favorite!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hands2Help Quilt Drive

 Today I just want to remind everyone that the Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge has begun!

H2H 2021 Avatar

Every year the wonderful Sarah over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict holds an event where hundreds of quilts get donated to charities.  It is an event that I have participated in for years.    

You can read more about the event here.

I think this event is a great way to use your scraps to create a fun quilt.  This is a simple quilt I made using a rainbow of colors.  The zig zag blocks are made with 2.5" strips.

This is one I made using a bunch of leftover 2.5" binding strips to make some 16 patch blocks.  once I ran out of strips, I dug in my scraps and made some simple four patches.

Quilts don't have to be elaborate to bring comfort to someone.  In fact, I think it is more important they are a bright and colorful.

And if you don't want to start from scratch, I was just contact by Erin over My Patchwork Life who has an abundance of blocks listed on her blog that you can adopt, assemble and donate a quilt.  

Easy Peasy!

You will be seeing some of my quilts for the event soon.  I think you have until June to get them finished but I like to get a head start....hoping maybe I can finish one or two more than initially planned.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Oh Scrap! : Rainbow Scrap Challenge

 I separate my green scraps in two baskets - one for greens and one for those I would describe as lime.  I decided to focus on both bins this month.  I think Angela may call green again this year but I am thinking I will be onto new quilts by then.

This week I worked on cutting and sewing up the HRTs (Half Rectangular Triangles) for one of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  I am making these blocks quite big - I think they finish about 4 x 8".  So I have to dig through my scraps to find bits that are big enough.

I am using the Creative Grids Perfect Rectangle Ruler.  They make the assemble of these blocks so easy!  I have used it in the past on this fun quilt.

Here are all the blocks I have completed.  I think this measures about 40 by 50" if I sewed it all together.  I want it a bit bigger and I think I will donate it in the Hands2Help quilt drive. (BTW - You can still sign up for the event here.)

By the time I add some blue, orange, turquoise and maybe a few brown, I should have enough to complete this quilt.  As soon as I finish my postage stamp quilt, I will focus on completing this one.

Here is the design wall right now behind my longarm.  I still need to do my green lego blocks and my green Two Bits blocks (not shown).  I will be sewing them up this next week.

I have decided to abandon the Full Stop RSC blocks.  I think the blocks are a lot of fun, but I just have too many quilts around the house.  I can't make them all :)

Happy Spring!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Friday, March 19, 2021

The CIL Finishes Keep Coming

 I have been continuing to work on completing the Covered In Love quilts that so many of you donated blocks for.

This is the second set of blocks in this design.  For more information on this block drive, you can go here.

I really enjoy seeing all the fun fabrics in everyone's blocks.

I was initially going to alternate the direction of the blocks but I just really like this all vertical layout.  It works so well with the horizontal quilting.

Kat sent a starry sky fabric which I used for the backing.  I was a bit surprised to find out it glows in the dark - which I discovered when I was wandering my house in the dark.  

I have a few more of the other quilts all quilted up - but I am behind sewing on the bindings.
So I am hoping to share two of the patriotic quilts next week.  Stay tuned!

Have a great weekend Everyone!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Free to a Good Home!

 I continue to try them out, but Mystery quilts are just not for me!

Late last year, I signed up for a mystery Stitch Along through Annie's.  I really enjoyed the first block.  It was a nice mix of piecing and applique.  But then February's block was released and it was a truck entirely appliqued.  I looked at it and thought I would redesign it so that it was a mix of both techniques.  Before I got around to redesigning it, the third block was released....and you guess it - entirely applique again.

So I will continue to read and enjoy the mystery novel that gets released each month but I am no longer going to make the blocks.  I am bummed the blocks were not what I thought they would be but I run into this issue every time I sign up for a mystery Quilt Along.  

The good news is that someone is going to get the giant lighthouse block I finished for the first month of the Stitch Along..  It measures about 25" square.

I also dug through my orphan blocks to see if there were some other items I could include in the package.  I found these blocks that could easily be added to make a larger quilt.  If you win and decide you want them too, they are yours!  The flags each measure 12" x 16".

If you would like to adopt the lighthouse block, please let me know in the comments that you are interested.  

(Note, your comment should be made directly on my blog and not through Bloglovin' - it does not allow me access to your contact information so I have no way of getting ahold of you if you win.)

I will ship anywhere in the US for free.

I will be selecting a winner from those that are interested sometime on Monday the 22nd so be sure to comment before then.  If there is more than one candidate, I will select a winner using a random number generator.  Please make sure I can get ahold of you!  If you are not positive if your email is available, please leave it in your comment.  Thanks!

This orphan has found a home!

Quilting is more fun than Housework

There are other items being adopted out by quilters so be sure and check them all out.  Also, if you have items you would like to put up for adoption, you have until the 20th to link up.  Time to clean out those UFOs!

Spring 2021 Quilty Orphan Adoption Event

Happy Spring!  

Spring for me always brings a bit of deep cleaning - especially in my sewing room.  I usually find myself looking at my old UFOs and deciding which ones I am ready to abandon.  For years, I hesitated in abandoning my projects - thinking that I should finish them someday.  I no longer think that way.  It is so nice to send them off to someone that will finish them and I no longer have the guilt or burden.

I started the Quilty Orphan Adoption Event years ago to get these projects into the hands of quilters who area ready to finish them.

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Over the years, hundreds of projects have been adopted.

This Quilty Orphan Adoption event helps in getting those projects to quilters that will finish them and give them some much deserved attention.  And I can say from experience, it feels great to release the burden and move onto something you really want to work on!

Now it is time for this Spring's Quilty Adoption Event!

Orphan Adoption Event
March 18th through March 20th 2021

Here are some more details:

1.  I am going to ask that any "orphan" linked up must be given away for free.  (If you are wanting to destash for money, there are other venues to do that on.)  I think it is fair that if you need to, you can ask that shipping costs be paid.  Just be sure and put that information clearly in your post.  And know that both parties enter into the deal at their own risk.  I hold no responsibility.

2. Have clear pictures and descriptions on what you are putting up for adoption.

3. Define the criteria for how you will decide who will adopt the item.  Is it a random number giveaway, do you only want it to go to charity, or is there some other criteria that needs to be met?

4.  Be sure and identify where you are located and where you are willing to ship to.

5. Define how long you are keeping the adoption open and when you expect to award the adoption.

6. Remember to link back to my blog so your readers can see what else is being offered.  And feel free to grab a button!

The ability to link up your blog, Instagram, Flickr, or Facebook post will be open through the end of the day Saturday March 20th.  You can award your adoption on any date you choose after Sunday the 21st..  Feel free to offer as little or as much as you want.  It can be blocks, books/patterns, kits, printed panels, fabric, quilt tops...anything that you hope someone else will use and you wish to get rid of.


And if you are looking to adopt a project, please read each blog post and be sure you only offer to adopt those orphans you know you can finish The object of this event is to get these things finished, not just stored on another shelf.  Thanks!

Here is a quilt made years ago from some adopted cat quilt blocks.
How fun is that!?

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