Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Compassion Quilt Churn Dash Block Drive

Hard to believe that March is almost here.  But that means it is time to get started on the next Compassion Quilt block drive!

These blocks will be making quilts for our Veterans - so the color scheme will be red, white and blue.

Kat usually does her Covered in Love Star block drive around July.  So, I thought we would make our patriotic blocks in the Spring and we would make Churn Dash blocks.

In fact, there will be a choice of THREE blocks.  (So you can make the blocks that gives you the best usage of your scraps.  You can make any number of the size(s) block you want.)

The first block is a 12.5" unfinished churn dash.

Here are the cut sizes for Block #1:

    2.5 x 4.5" dark fabric - Qty = 4
    2.5 x 4.5" light fabric - Qty = 4
    (If you want to strip piece, cut both strips 2.5" x 18", sew and then sub-cut into 4.5" square)

For the center square

    4.5" square - Qty = 1

For the HSTs:

    5" square dark fabric - Qty = 2
    5" square light fabric - Qty = 2
    (To make the HSTs, draw a diagonal line, sew twice 1/4" along the side of the line and then trim to 4.5" square.)

For color placement, I am just going to ask that you use a white for the background fabric.  It is okay if there is a small red and/or blue print on that fabric. You can make the center block the same as the background or feel free to use another fabric.  I don't care if you use all the same fabric for the dark fabric or break up the components and use different colors.  I will find a way to use them all!


The second block is the same block just in miniature - a 6.5" unfinished Churn Dash.

Same assembly just smaller cut sizes.

Here are the cut sizes for Block #2:

    1.5 x 2.5" dark fabric - Qty = 4
    1.5 x 2.5" light fabric - Qty = 4
    (If you want to strip piece, cut both strips 1.5" x 10", sew and then sub-cut into 2.5" square)

For the center square

    2.5" square - Qty = 1

For the HSTs:

    3" square dark fabric - Qty = 2
    3" square light fabric - Qty = 2
    (To make the HSTs, draw a diagonal line, sew twice 1/4"along the side of the line and then trim to 2.5" square.)

The color placement for these blocks is the same as the larger blocks.  These are blocks are great if you have smaller scraps.

The third block is really straight forward - just a 4-patch from 3.5" squares.  These will create a 6.5" unfinished block.

For Block #3:

For color placement, you can go with the traditional two light/two dark squares.  Or feel free to cut all four squares from different fabrics.  My vision is to use these as "chain" blocks, horizontal sashing, or just simple patchwork.  It will be fun to see what I receive and how I will use them.

(Note: for those of you with Americana prints - these usually have a background of cream or even a light tan.  You can use these fabrics and deviate from the white background.  I will just put all of these darker blocks together in a quilt (but my preference is to stick with white). I will make work whatever you send me!)

If you have any questions or need my address to send out your blocks, feel free to email me at cynthiabdesigns at gmail dot com.  Try not to put questions/requests in the comments unless you know for sure I can reply to them.

I really do appreciate any blocks you can send.  If you can't help out this time, I certainly understand and maybe there will be more opportunities in the future.

If you are curious, these quilts will be supporting multiple programs at Sacred Heart Hospital.  They will be used in the palliative care program - both in-house and at-home.  There is also a family housing program (similar to a Ronald McDonald house) where comfort quilts will be given to the children (I may make a few smaller quilts with the last of the blocks).  If there is enough stock, clergy and social workers can also request a quilt for someone who could benefit from one.  My goal is to be sure there will always be enough stock!

Thanks so much!

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Need some red, white blue fabrics for your stash?  Stateside by Sweetwater is at the Fat Quarter Shop.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Oh Scrap! : Low Volume

 I felt like I spent a ton of time at my sewing machine - but I sure don't have a lot to share today.

I did finish sewing various blocks into three quilt tops and sewed up their backings.  

But you have to wait, I will share those after I get them quilted.

I did finish a few more of my low volume 9 patch blocks for my heart quilt.  The squares are all cut at 3.5" square.  I ran them through my machine as I was working on other things.  Then I ran out of squares so I need to cut some more up today.

(Yea, I also have a few RSC blocks pinned up there - I have so much going on right now I am layer things on my design wall!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Friday, February 24, 2023

Rail Fence Finish #11

 Can you believe that there are still some Rail Fence quilts to be completed?

For this quilt, I just alternated the direction of the blocks. 


I still had quite a few blocks left and this layout requires the most blocks - 168 to be exact.

These patchwork quilts really are inviting when completed.  I thought about adding a border on one of these but I am pretty much out of brown fabric in my stash! Yay!
(And I need to keep in mind I need backings for future quilts.)

I was able to use two large cuts for the backing - both were donated by a friend.  For the quilting, I went with a simple meander in a brown thread.

I still have more blocks to sew together.  How many more do you think I will be able to complete?

Linking Up:

Find a large selection of precuts at Fat Quarter Shop

Fat Quarter Shop is one of my affiliates.  Using the links on my blog to make purchases rewards me with a small commission.  This money is used to buy supplies for my Compassion Quilts.  
I appreciate the support!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Covered In Love Finishes

 I have been sewing, quilting and binding up a storm lately!

I don't have one Covered in Love finish to share...I have Three!

(The weather has been miserable today, so I had to take photos of the quilts draped on my longarm.)

All three are the Tall Nine block pattern.  For this one, I sorted out the blocks that had coral colors in them.

I did a simple straight layout on the blocks and quilted it with a simple meander.

I didn't have any backing pieces that were big enough so I found a piece in my stash that had a lot of corals and green.

The second quilt is another straight layout.  I love all those rusty oranges on this one.

I quilted a simple swirl in a rust-colored thread.

A rust and a striped fabric for the back.  It really shows off the quilting.

The third finish has some of the brighter blocks.  I also alternated the direction of every other block.

I quilted it with another swirl variation.  This time I used a gold thread.

For the back on this one, I had to piece it quite a bit to make the fabric I had work.  Again, the quilting really shows in the gold fabric.

And finally, my little helper Arthur.  He didn't understand why he couldn't be in all of the photos.  
The world does circle around him you know!

Next, I will be working on the three gray and green flying geese quilts.  Then I can ship them all back to Kat and get ready to start assembling the next Compassion Quilt block drive. 
 I will be announcing that next week!

Monday, February 20, 2023

Quilters' Generosity

 I have been blown away at the response to my first Compassion Quilt block drive.  As soon as I organize the data, I will share with you all the stats on the Rail Fence drive.  It is truly amazing how many blocks I received!

Speaking of Rail Fence quilts, I wanted to share the beautiful kits that Gail sent. She planned on making a lot of blocks, so she offered to sew them up into tops.  She even supplied backings and prepared the bindings.  Everything is perfectly pressed and packaged into kits. These are a longarm quilter's dream!

But the generosity doesn't stop there. Becky sent me ten quilt tops to finish up and donate.  TEN!  They are all so lovely - when I get a chance, I need to start digging through my stash to match backings for them.  I will probably be sprinkling these in over the next few months.

And finally, Nann had asked me if I needed any more blocks or fabric for the Rail Fence drive.  I let her know I am winding it down and feel it is all under control.  But I did let her know what my next drive was going to be and she sent me a huge package full of fabric to use.  I had shared with her that I did not have any patriotic red/white/blue fabrics and boy, did she help me out!

Now you know what the color theme will be for the next block drive.  I am aiming to release the instructions for the block on the last day of February.  Nann also included a big pile of blocks so I will be sharing some of her beautiful handywork then too.

I really do appreciate all these gifts.  I wanted to send out a thank you now before things get crazy again and I lose who donated what.  It gets a bit overwhelming when lots of packages start coming daily and you don't have a lot of places to put them all!

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Sunday, February 19, 2023

Oh Scrap! : Pink RSC

 LOTS of sewing occurred this week.  I pieced together a number of the Covered In Love quilt tops and even a few Compassion Quilts.  I will be sharing those as soon as they are quilted.

But I also dug through my pink scraps and made a few Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks.

A fun pink heart made from 2.5" squares.

While I was cutting 2.5" squares from my scraps, I also made this happy block.

Keeping my eye out for fun striped fabrics, I came across these two scraps and made them into 16 patch blocks.  I think I still need quite a few more blocks to finish this quilt.

I think that is all the scrap sewing I did this week.
Time for you to share what you have been up to!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

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Accuquilt Dynamic Promo

Friday, February 17, 2023

Chunky Scrap Mixology Final Roundup

 When I released the fifth module to my Scrap Mixology series, I widely spaced out sharing the finished quilts I made using the pattern because I had quite a few other finishes to share, I thought I would do a round up today so you can see all the finishes together. 

Subtle changes can make a world of difference - that is what Scrap Mixology is all about.

The Chunky module is great for large scraps or leftover s from a previous quilt.  I made this quilt from a bunch of Kaffe Fassett leftovers.  It worked so well for those large florals.

The on-point layout really makes them look like flowers.

A fun rainbow of blocks!

I love the striped sashing and the straight layout.

Just the simple addition of a flip corner makes a delightful difference.  Again I used a striped sashing but this quilt I put on point.

My favorite is this lovely little quilt.  I went with a color combination I loved and used black and white scraps for the sashing.

Which one is your favorite!

The Chunky module (and all of the other Scrap Mixology modules can be found in both my Etsy store and my Payhip shop.  Lots of design ideas for a very low price!

Linking Up:

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

My Go To Pattern

 I was given a few coordinating fat quarters (for some compassion quilts) and I decided to grab my go-to pattern to use them.

First, I was given some fat quarters with a coffee theme.  My Wiggle Time pattern requires 5 fat quarters so I found a half yard of a fun brown geometric to add to the three I had and before you knew it, I almost have a finished top. (I still need to add some background fabric to the top and bottom.

(I love the rich rusty orange background fabric.)

I was also given some pastel dotted fabrics. I dug through my stash and found a Kaffe Fassett fabric that looked great with them.  I am going to use the bright blue solid for the background.  I have everything cut so it shouldn't take long for this one to be finished too.

I was actually given TWO fat quarters of each of the dotted fabrics so you just might see TWO identical quilts.  I am hoping I can make that Kaffe Fassett fabric stretch - it is going to be really close).

Wiggle Time is such a quick easy finish and I love that it uses Fat Quarters and a few yards of a background fabric.  Things you can find easily in your stash!

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Sunday, February 12, 2023

Oh Scrap! : Easy Blocks

 Lots of cutting occurred this week.  I made a few kits for compassion quilts, I dug through scraps and cut up squares and I put together backings from various odd pieces.

But looking at what I actually have to share, it appears that I have not been doing much.

I made these four 16 patch blocks from some rainbow scraps.  This is just an ongoing project that will be made into compassion quilts eventually.

To date, I have only 21 blocks finished.  I don't know if these blocks will all end up in the same quilt.  For now, I just make blocks when I find a scrap that is a good candidate.

Most of the sewing this week were these low volume 9 patches made from 3.5" squares.

How are they going to be used?

They are going to be added to the big red heart I made and become a compassion quilt.  I have all these busy low volumes and this is the perfect way to use them up.  The quilt will actually be a 6 block by 7 block layout.  The heart will float on the left side of the quilt.  If this one turns out, I might have to make a few more.  They sure burn though the scraps!

What do you think?


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

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