Sunday, February 26, 2023

Oh Scrap! : Low Volume

 I felt like I spent a ton of time at my sewing machine - but I sure don't have a lot to share today.

I did finish sewing various blocks into three quilt tops and sewed up their backings.  

But you have to wait, I will share those after I get them quilted.

I did finish a few more of my low volume 9 patch blocks for my heart quilt.  The squares are all cut at 3.5" square.  I ran them through my machine as I was working on other things.  Then I ran out of squares so I need to cut some more up today.

(Yea, I also have a few RSC blocks pinned up there - I have so much going on right now I am layer things on my design wall!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is so pretty! I love the dot fabric that shows up every now and then, and the pale green. The low volumes make such a great background! Hope you don't have too much snow - happy Sunday!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love the low volume background with the red heart

Michelle said...

Your heart quilt is coming along nicely!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I love those low volume blocks. Pairs beautifully with that bright red heart block. said...

Gosh those low volume blocks sure give the heart much more interest to my eye! The light green blocks are especially pleasing. . .who would have known?

LA Paylor said...

the low volume neutrals are calling to me. I have a whole bin of them, cute fabrics not knowing how to use them to show them best

Ivani said...

Love those low volume nine patch blocks, Cynthia. I can see some of them on my design wall at some point this year. Have a nice week.

Carol Andrews said...

Cynthia your scrappy heart quilt is coming along beautifully!

Astrid said...

Love your low volume 9-patches and heart. It's going to be a beauty!

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