Sunday, November 27, 2022

Oh Scrap! : Something to keep me Busy

 A few weeks back, I mentioned that I have been organizing a little something behind the scenes and that I would be sharing it soon.  I keep running into a few obstacles, but I think I am going to go ahead and let you know what I am up to.

Since the start of the pandemic, I have been evaluating what is important to me and what I want to focus on in the future.  I am working less on my "day job" so how do I want to fill my spare time.  That is why I decided to finally get a dog and I contacted my local hospital to set up a quilt donation program.  Their Volunteer Coordinator will be my contact - the Sacred Heart Medical Center will be the recipient.  I think she has another group that makes some small quilts but I hope to donate some larger quilts - lots of them.

So my plans are to announce on my blog (and future newsletter), a simple block with instructions on how to make it.  Then (like I do with all my Scrap Mixology patterns) I will share lots of ways that simple block can be used and share the quilts I make. 


The first blocks I am going to make you may have already seen.  I have a bunch of skinny strings, so this is a perfect block to use some of those scraps. It is a simple rail fence block made with five strips.  Each strip is 1.5" x 5.5"(I actually cut my strips 1.5" x 6" so I can square up the block nicely).  Once the strips are sewn together. you have an unfinished block that measures 5.5" square. So simple!

I have already finished just over 80 blocks.  It sounds like a lot but with the small size, it will only make one of the designs I have planned.

So here is where you can help.  If you find yourself with an abundance of brown (light and dark chocolate), blue (both navy and denim) and any shade of tan, you are welcome to make some blocks and send them to me. Above are a bunch of blocks I made - just pull scraps to go with the colorway above. (This program will be similar to Covered in Love - I have already contacted Kat and maybe we will share doing blocks so we don't both get overwhelmed!)

If you would like to donate, just email me at cynthiabdesigns (@) gmail dot com and I will send you my address.  I would sure appreciate the help and it helps me share more of the layout designs with these blocks.

If you are curious, these quilts will be supporting multiple programs at Sacred Heart.  They will be used in the palliative care program - both in-house and at-home.  There is also a family housing program (similar to a Ronald McDonald house) where comfort quilts will be given to the children.  If there is enough stock, clergy and social workers can also request a quilt for someone who could benefit from one.  My goal is to be sure there will always be enough stock!

I mentioned a future newsletter - I am still working the bugs out of that....but if you want to get on the mailing list and receive the first issue, you can sign up below.  Sorry it is not very preprofessional - this is one of the bugs I am working on.  Always having to learn something new!

Subscribe to my Newsletter

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Thanks so much!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Linking Up:

Friday, November 25, 2022

Some Black Friday Sales

 Is it time to do a bit of shopping?  I took advantage of some of these sales today so I thought I would share them with you.

Connecting Threads is having one of their 25% sitewide sales. This is a great time to pick up thread, notions or stock up on fabric.  I always like to buy my backings at this time!

It ends Saturday night so don't wait!

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More Holiday TableRunners

 With Thanksgiving in the past, it is now time to seriously start thinking about Christmas.

Thankfully, I started thinking about Christmas about a month ago and made up a bunch of holiday table runners from some scraps a friend had gifted me. 

I already shared a couple in this post...

Since then, I finished sewing on the bindings of three more. 
 This first one is another runner made using my Rejoice pattern.  

This one was actually gifted back to my "scrap dealer".

Most of the scraps she shared were already cut into squares.  Here is one I made using the 3.5" size.  I also found a few HSTs in the amongst the scraps, so I made some fun pinwheels and added them in.

And finally, I made this one from some 4.5" squares.  

I think this one might be my favorite.  The prints are more winter themed, so I think you could leave it out into January if you wanted to.

Here are all five of them together.  This will cross off a few names on my gift list!

Check it out!  The Fat Quarter Shop is having a 20% off Storewide sale.  

It ends Saturday night so don't wait!

Linking Up:

Alycia Quilts (Finished or not Friday)

My Quilt Infatuation (Needle & Thread)

From Bolt to Beauty (Brag about your Beauties)

Monday, November 21, 2022

Your Questions Answered

 There have been a few questions asked in the comment section that I thought I would answer in a post of their own.  I will try my best to address them here.

One of the questions I received were what size rectangle did I use for the start of these blocks.  I cut these at 4.5" x 6.5", but you can really start with whatever size works best with the scraps you are using.  Both of the light and dark floral fabric were the trimmings of a quilt backing.  I already had widths that left at least 4.5" wide so that is what I started with. 

I always like to frame these big prints that for this project I used some 1.5" wide brown strips.

Here is a similar quilt I made years ago.  I think I started these blocks off with a 4.5" x 6.5" rectangle also.  I used a black fabric to frame them which gave a lot more contrast.

Another question I received was how I choose my scraps to finish out the blocks.  This is a subject I get asked all the time.  I treat my scraps no different than I treat bolted fabric in a fabric store when I am putting together a quilt.  I start with my focus fabric - which is the print in the rectangle.  I pull my scraps from the colors that the print contains.  I try really hard not to bring in any other colors.  But if you look at the above blocks, you can see the colors in the center that I then used for the strips.  The designer of the fabric has already done most of the colorwork, you just have to copy what they created.

Just like when you are putting together a quilt in a fabric store...You use what matches.

I don't worry too much about whether the strip is a plaid or a dot - big print or small....I am just looking for the color.  When I am teaching, I always ask my student to not overthink it and just trust the process.  I think many are amazed at the results and just how simple it is. 

And finally, a reader saw a corner of this quilt in my photo of my new little helper (Artie the dog).  It is my improv Garden quilt and you can read more about it in this post.

I will teaching this class early spring up in Hillsboro Or so stay tuned for more information.  We haven't set the date yet but the location allows for lots of students so I am pretty sure it will be open for public enrollment.  The more the merrier!

Hope all of you enjoy your week.  For those in the US, have a great Thanksgiving!

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Sunday, November 20, 2022

Oh Scrap! : Tiny Bites

 Even though my sewing time is limited now (new puppy), I am still able to find a few minutes here and there as he sleeps.  So, I am trying to focus that time on one specific project.

This week it was on this scrappy three-quarter log quilt I started months ago.  All I need to do now is make the half blocks that go on the edge and play with block placement a bit.

I decided to go with this up/down layout.  I think once the blocks are sewn together the effect is going to be awesome.  I hope to finish the top next week.


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Accuquilt Dynamic Promo

Black Friday specials are already starting.  Check out what AccuQuilt is offering this year.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Another Quilt from Orphan Blocks

 Remember all those orphan blocks a friend recently gave me?

Well, I am still making quilts with them! There were a number of pineapple blocks in the stack.  Some were cut in two and a few needed to be finished.

For the center of this quilt, I took one of her blocks and put four pineapple blocks cut on the diagonal around it. I added n some strip sets that I had hidden away in my orphan block stash.  Two big pineapple blocks on the top and bottom made a great vertical center.

On the side edges, I used another cut pineapple block and added in two other blocks I slit in two.  I also love to use a print background in my orphan block quilts. I love the effect it has with all the busy blocks.

I used three different prints on the back.  Even the binding was made from two pieces of leftover binding that I just spaced around the edges.

I am really pleased with how this one turned out.  I delivered this one and a previous finish back to the friend that gave me all the orphan blocks.  She seemed to really like how they turned out too!

The rest of the gifted blocks went back into my stash.  I will get them out again soon but I have a number of other quilts I am really hoping to finish up before the end of the year.

(And if you read my last post, you know I am a bit distracted right now!)

Have a fantastic weekend!

Linking Up:

Connecting Threads still has their Basics and Blenders sale going on.  It is a great time to build your stash with background fabrics.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

A New Team Member

 So the past few days have been a bit of a blur. I had put in an application for a rescue dog weeks ago.  I was told he had been placed in another home.  Imagine my surprise when I got an email last Thursday that my application was approved, and I could foster the dog as early as Sunday.

So much to do in a short time!!!

But this little dude came to live with me Sunday evening.  His name is Arthur (I call him Artie) and he weighs about 38 lbs.  He was a stray pit bull in California covered in mange when the great heroes at NWDogProject broke him out and flew him up here to their rescue in Eugene OR.

He is very smol.  But the little guy is all muscle.  They figure he is about two years old and I am totally in love with him.    He is already quite spoiled with tons of toys.

He hardly ever leaves my side and every time I look down he is always flashing his puppy dog eyes wanting a snuggle.

Today was the first day since getting him that I tried to get some quilting done.  I was hopeful that this was how he would be as I ran my longarm.    But no, he chewed a rug, a pair of shoe laces and found all manner of things I have no idea where he found them.  I do have to laugh when he finds something because the first thing he does is rush down the hallway to my studio to show me.  Then he races back to the livingroom with me in pursuit.  He is such a funny little guy.

So yes, my productivity is taking a hit.
Hopefully he learns the schedule soon.  In fact, it is his afternoon walk time so I had better get going before he start finding something else to do!

The Fat Quarter Shop has some of their Pre-Cuts on sale right now.  If you find yourself needing to get something from them, I would appreciate using my affiliate link.  Little Artie is expensive!

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Oh Scrap! : Two New Starts

 I keep finding tempting scraps in my sewing room and before you know it, I started another quilt.

My brown and blue scrap bins were overflowing with skinny strings so I decided to make these cute little rail fence blocks.  Sorry the color in the photo is so bad....what can I say, I do most of my sewing at night.  I will be sharing more about this project soon.  It is pretty exciting news and I can't wait to share it.

I already have about 35 blocks completed.  
They measure 5.5" square and are made from 1.5" wide strips.

I also started this fun project.  I was gifted a bunch of strip-pieced leftovers so I chopped them up and was able to get this far on this small lap quilt.  It currently measures about 32 x 36.  I have a few larger cuts from the same fabric line so I am hoping to make this quilt closer to 48 x 55.

I should not be allowed to clean my sewing room - I am tempted by the things I find and end up starting new projects.  Please tell me I am not the only quilter this happens to!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

It is getting cold out there!  The Fat Quarter Shop has perfect timing for this Basic of the Month.  Mammoth Flannels are on sale all month to make your quilts nice and snuggly.

Friday, November 11, 2022

With time to Spare

 I can't believe it...I am actually thinking ahead this holiday season.  I realized I needed a few little holiday gifts so I raided a friend's stash and decided to make a couple table runners.

For this one, I used my Rejoice Table Runner pattern.  It is quick and easy and uses a single width of fabric strip for each letter.

I found this fun portrait fabric for the backing.  It definitely adds whimsy to the quilt.

While I was their "shopping" my friend's stash, she kept offering me various scraps.  One of the offerings I couldn't resist was a stack of 3.5" squares.

There were super easy to turn into a fun patchwork runner.

There were just enough dark green squares to create the pattern I came up with.  The rest of the squares a certainly a mish mash of fun holiday prints.

A fun red print for the backing and a green woven for the binding.  

I will have two or three more runners to shar in the near future.  Right now, I am sewing on their bindings and hope to finish them soon!

Have you started your holiday sewing yet?

Great prices for some colorful background fabrics!

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