Sunday, May 7, 2023

Oh Scrap! : Hands2Help Progress

 A lot of my interactions with scraps this week was sorting and putting them away.

I did get one lonely string block completed.

The real accomplishment is I finished up the 28 16-patch blocks I needed to finish my Hands2Help Challenge quilt for this year.  I was really wanting to make all of the blocks from striped fabric, but I really don't have the time to search for them.

This week I hope to add these 28 to the 28 already up on my design wall.  I am sure I will need to move things around a bit before I sew up the top.  
But I am determined to finish this quilt by the end of May!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Linking up:

This month Bella Solids are 20% off at Fat Quarter Shop.
Is it time to add a few to your stash?


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Sorting and putting away the scraps is always a big job! Usually I find something else I want to sew up. :) Your H2H quilt projects are looking great!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty blocks. I love the blue and red star prints in the string block, and the 16-patch ones too.

Kate said...

Your 15 patch blocks are going to make such a bright and fun quilt.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Nice 16 patch blocks! And 28 in a week is awesome, especially with a busy life! said...

Twenty eight blocks created this week among all the other tasks you did! WOW! It does feel good to stitch the bits into useable units. I'm still partial to the string blocks though!

Bonnie said...

Nice progress on your 16 patches.

Karin said...

I have started a scrappy string quilt, but have momentarily come to a full stop. Seeing your ‘lonely’ string block is giving me renewed motivation…need to get on to this

Carol Andrews said...

Cynthia your H2H quilt is going to be a beauty.

Rebecca Grace said...

I love how the “rule” of sticking to scraps of stripes for these blocks is keeping your scrap quilt so cohesive, even if (and maybe especially since) you had to move away from that for practical reasons as the project progressed. I’ve been studying Jen Kingwell’s scrappy quilts lately, trying to understand why I’m so drawn to them, and I’ve noticed that she also seems to have some general organizing principle for each quilt about color and value placement, but crucially there are always blocks thrown in here and there that break the rules and throw in a surprise; I think that’s what makes them so interesting, and I think your mostly-but-not-all-stripes thing with this quilt is successful in the same way.

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