Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Gift of Quilts

 I am truly grateful for all of the quilt tops and quilt kits that I have received from so many generous quilters.  My problem now is that I am having a difficult time getting them all quilted.  If you donated some, please know that I will continue to fit them in as I have open spots in my schedule.  I hope to find some local help in the fall - which will be here before we know it!

I did get a chance to finish up two that I want to share today.

The first one is another one by Becky.  She sent me ten quilt tops back in February.  She had to choose whether to send me the ten quilt tops or lesser quilt tops with backings.  I am glad she sent just the tops.  It might take a bit but I will eventually find a backing for a top.

The colors in this one were somewhat muted and I did struggle to find a backing.  I don't have a lot of these colors in my stash.

But I finally decided to just use this periwinkle and gray one I had.  I don't normally mix white and cream but I really want to get these from Becky completed.

This one is quite large and measures 62 x 70".

The next one just recently came in.  It had the backing and binding and was fairly small - so when I had a small unplanned opening in my schedule, I was able to load and go!

Karen sent this one in.  I love all the fun flowers on the front so I quilted in a freehand floral.  It showed up so pretty on the blue backing.

This one measures 46 x 58".

I have committed the next four days to just quilting Compassion Quilts.  I do have quite a few Color Stix tops to finish but I also hope I will be able to finish up a top or two of the ones that were donated.  

Please be patient with me! :)

4 comments: said...

Great backing choice for Becky's muted top. Your choice of quilting motifs is great for each as well. Those are wonderful finishes. I've said it before; but, again. . .what you accomplish with each posts is amazing! What a gift you give to your community!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

You are doing an amazing job; what an honor that people are sending you so many quilt tops and even fabric for backing and binding.

Linda Swanekamp said...

You are doing a wonderful thing for people. Don't stress about the speed of doing it. You are not a factory. Keep the joy in quilting for yourself. Quilts don't go bad like food, so just work at whatever pace you can.

MissPat said...

Don't stress yourself out. If the project becomes a burden, you'll lose the satisfaction of giving that made you start in the first place. There's no reason you can't request a pause in people sending you completed tops. Then you can concentrate on putting together the donated blocks as well as keeping up with your paid quilting business. You're doing a wonderful job.

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