Friday, May 31, 2024

Lots of Finishes

Finally, I had a chance to put together a post with all the recent finishes. 
There is a little bit of everything in this post!

This Happy Zoo Animals quilt is the 75th quilt we made from the block drive.  This one has been out getting the binding sewn on by Chris.

I don't think this will be the last zoo animal quilt we see; I think there is a still a small stack of blocks.

I love, love, love this backing fabric that Helen sent in.

This quilt measures 48" x 54".

Next up is this lovely green and coral patchwork quilt.  Kat (Covered in Love) had sent me a box of smaller bits of fabric that she wasn't sure if she would use and inside were a number of 10" squares from about three fabric collections.  I thought they would all work together so I just ended up sewing them all together.  No cutting required!

I had a nice rosy pink fabric that Deana found for me at a local estate sale that worked for the backing.

This quilt measures 50" x 60".

Last week, I also received a couple quilts from local quilter Laura.  Nancy sent in this colorful scrappy quilt top.  I love the swirl pattern Laura quilted on it.

A bright surprise on the back.  Nann had sent me a bunch of fun vintage fabrics eons ago and this one looked great on this quilt.

This quilt measures 40" x 56".

This quilt actually started as some orphan blocks also sent in by Nancy.  In the same box she sent me some yardage of the background fabric.  It didn't take me long to turn those blocks into this sweet 50" square quilt.  I sent it Laura to quilt it.  She always does such a great job!

On the back, I went with this starry blue fabric.  I did have to turn part of the fabric on its side but I don't think too many people will notice.

Here is another quilt top sent in by Nancy.  The brown and pink really make a sweet quilt.

She also sent in this super soft flannel for the back.

This quilt is about 36" square.

There should be a lot to share again next week.  I am hoping to receive some more finished quilts from the longarm quilters.  Plus, I have a big stack of quilts ready for me to sew on the binding.

Also, in case you missed it, I announced the next block drive in the last post.  
We are going two-stepping!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Two Step Block Drive

I can't believe it is already time to announce the next block drive for Many Hands and Many Hearts.  I am nowhere near finished with the last blocks from our Veteran drive.  But I will talk more on that in another post.

This time we are working with fall/autumn colors.

Here is the block we will be making.  This block was made by Holly - I gave her a head start and this is the first block she created.

For each block you will need the following fabric cuts.

Qty 1     5" square in a fall fabric print (sunflower, leaves, apples, pumpkins, etc.)
Qty 2     2.5" x 5" Rectangle in fall colors 
Qty 2     2.5" x 9" Rectangle in fall colors 

This block pattern is by Jenny Doan.  You might not make it as the tutorial shows because it is strip sewn and cut to size to make a whole quilt.  I made my blocks from scraps so I cut each piece to size and then assembled the block.  It is a pretty easy block to make.

Here are the few blocks I made this week.  Please keep the following in mind as you pull your fabrics.

* Try to keep good contrast between all your fabric.  
* Please only use each fabric once on a block. 
* Remember I have to get these blocks together cohesively so please don't go too crazy on your blocks with a lot of busy prints.  Try to give the eye a place to rest on your blocks.
* No solid fabrics please.  Tone on tones are perfect. (I tried solids and they were just too flat and really stuck out.)
*No prints with white backgrounds unless it is the 5" square.  Try to keep to tan backgrounds.
* No holiday fabrics like Halloween.  Pumpkins are great - Jack-O-Lanterns are not.

It is okay to use a novelty type fabric for the 5" square.  It is not ideal but I think they will work okay.  I will probably just put them all together in their own quilt.  

I am hoping to end up with a lot of warm looking patchwork quilts.  These quilts will all be donated to Many Hands and Many Hearts Many Hands and Many Hearts where they will go out as compassion quilts in Oregon.
If you have any questions or need my address to send out your blocks, feel free to email me at cynthiabdesigns at gmail dot com.  Try not to put questions in the comments unless you know for sure I can reply to them.  Thanks!


If you still have some of the RWB Churn Dash blocks to send from the last block drive, please get them sent to me soon.  I want to get them all made up into kits soon so they can be sewn into quilt tops.  Thanks so much!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Oh Scrap! : More Purple

First - sorry I did not get a Friday finish post published. I had some finished quilts to share but it was a long week and I decided to take a break and put my feet up.

 I did, however, make a bit more progress on my scrap quilt this week.

I finished another eight lovely purple HST blocks.  I am finding really enjoy making these 6” beauties.

I added the blocks to the design wall and it looks like I am going to need a lot more. This quilt is actually going to be quite big.  I just hope I have enough purple scraps in the shades I need.  I will also need to make a few more blocks to fill in the corners - I think I will make them orange.

I was really hoping to get this top done soon but it looks like it is going to be hanging around a lot longer than I expected. I am anxious to see how it looks all finished!

What fun scrappy projects have you been working on?


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Donated Quilt Tops

So much scrappy goodness in today’s two quilts.

Another lovely string quilt from Karen. I really like these blocks started with a black triangle. It is fun to see all the happy scraps she put into this quilt.

Karen also supplied this black and white print for the backing.

This quilt measures about 55 x 65”.

This second quilt was made by Denise. She sure made those orphan blocks look amazing.

Nancy sent in this gorgeous backing fabric. I think I have even more so you will see it on another quilt.

This quilt measures 48 x 74”.

I am working hard on trying to get to all the quilt tops that were donated. Right now the quilting process is my bottleneck so I am working on looking for more local quilters.  I appreciate all your patience as I try to catch up.

Hope you are having a great week!


Sunday, May 19, 2024

Oh Scrap! : Purple

Somehow, I was able to get out my purple scraps this week and make these 8 scrappy blocks.

 I put them up on the wall with the rest of the blocks and discovered I need twenty more!  I guess I just keep chipping away at them until I finish the quilt.

Wishing everyone a Scrappy Sunday!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

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Friday, May 17, 2024

Happy Happy Scrappy

A few more finishes for you today.

We are still chipping away at the quilts from the Happy Block drive.  This one is all about trains.
My friend Jeanne pieced it together and local quilter Cindy quilted it.

The fabric on the back is so darn cute and colorful.  This is the 73rd quilt from the block drive.
This quilt measures 40" square.

Happy Quilt #74 is all about frogs.  The big swirls were quilted by Laura.  She even sewed on the binding for this one too.

This cute froggy backing came from Karen.
This little quilt is 48" square.

I love how this jelly roll quilt pieced together by Charlene turned out.  I had given her a donated batik jellyroll and this top is what she brought back.

 Deana had donated the jellyroll and this peach batik backing.  She picked them up at an estate sale, so I like to think they were planned to be together.

This quilt measures 56 x 64".

I still have one more jellyroll like this one - I am tempted to make the same quilt!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Donated Tops now Quilts

Now that I have some help from some local longarm quilters, I am finally completing some of the quilt tops that were donated.

This amazing sampler was donated by Joni quite some time ago.  I did quilt this one - I wanted to see up close all the fun blocks she made. I think Joni makes a block from fabrics leftover from each quilt she makes - and then turns those into a quilt like this one.  I identified blocks that had fabrics from other tops she sent.

For the backing, I picked out this lovely floral sent in by Jean.

This quilt is about 75" square.

Janet was riding her bike past my house and I made her stop to take some of these photos.  This sweet quilt sent in by Becky is made from all polka dot prints.

Local quilter Cindy did the quilting - she did a lovely freehand loop and heart design.

The polka dot fabric on the back was sent in by Karyn.  It couldn't be any more perfect!

This quilt is about 40" square.

This one is fit for a princess!  This quilt top traveled a bit - Judy sent it to Kat but Kat thought it was more appropriate for Many Hands and Many Hearts so it came my way.  

Local longarmer Laura quilted it up for me.  She quilted it with some big flowers.

Judy also sent in this pieced backing.  Someone is going to love this pink and purple quilt!

This one measures about 55 x 70".

I love this pretty fall colored quilt (sorry, the tag got lost with the donors name).  The colors are so rich.

This one was also quilted by Laura.

The same day I received the quilt top, I opened up a package from Suzanne to find this lovely green backing.

This quilt measures 48" x 60".

And finally, check out this amazing big star sent in by Joni.  Poor Janet could barely hold it up.  
As you can see, it is quilt large - almost 80"square - so I have been keeping my eye out for the perfect backing.

I finally decided to just use a teal grunge out of my stash and some purple sent in by Karen.
I decided to quilt this one myself.

Not a bad showing!  It is nice to see these sent in quilt tops finally getting finished.  I appreciate the patience of those sending them in and the assistance from my local quilters helping to get them across the finish line.

I have more to share on Friday so we will see you then!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Oh Scrap! : Flannel

Sadly, I didn’t get any of my scrappy HSTs this week. I went to go see if I could find any big gray scraps and I got sidetracked by Mount Flannel.

I have received a lot of flannel bits and I have just been piling them on a table in my sewing room. 

I guess I was in the mood to deal with a few of them.

I pulled out a lot of the smaller chunks and decided to cut them up into 6.5” squares.

I then sewed them up into this cozy quilt top. I probably won’t be quilting this top until the Fall but it was nice to make some progress on the flannel scrap front. I still have enough flannel scraps to make another three or four tops but they will have to wait for another day.

Happy Scrappy!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

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Friday, May 10, 2024

Churn Dash Quilts #6 thru #8

I don't know why this block drive seems to be taking its time to get going.  I have lots of blocks but other things seem to continually get in the way.

Quilt #6 is this lovely sashed layout of just large 12" blocks.  There wasn't enough of the red sashing material to sash around the outside.  I still like how it turned out.
I think all of these blocks and the red sashing material all came from Nann.

This quilt measures 54 x 68".

When the front blocks don't have a lot of patriotic fabrics in them, I like to add a patriotic backing.

On this one, I put the blocks in rows and added a middle section of some orphan blocks I received.  To make the flag blocks show up better, I used a print as the background.

Karen sent in this amazing big blue starred fabric.  It wasn't quite wide enough so I added in a red.

This quilt measures 48 x 68".

I sored out a stack of blocks that had a lot of turquoise shades in them. 
 I think this one screams summertime!

I also added in some small churn dash blocks for a bit of fun.

A few of the blocks on the front have light houses in their centers so I thought this lighthouse fabric would be perfect on the back.  To make it big enough I added in some red and some watermelon fabric.

This quilt measures 60 x 72".

If you still have some Churn Dash blocks to send in, please do it soon.  It is almost time to announce the next block drive.  I hope to make the sample blocks this weekend.  I will give you a hint - we will be working with autumn colors.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

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