Friday, May 31, 2024

Lots of Finishes

Finally, I had a chance to put together a post with all the recent finishes. 
There is a little bit of everything in this post!

This Happy Zoo Animals quilt is the 75th quilt we made from the block drive.  This one has been out getting the binding sewn on by Chris.

I don't think this will be the last zoo animal quilt we see; I think there is a still a small stack of blocks.

I love, love, love this backing fabric that Helen sent in.

This quilt measures 48" x 54".

Next up is this lovely green and coral patchwork quilt.  Kat (Covered in Love) had sent me a box of smaller bits of fabric that she wasn't sure if she would use and inside were a number of 10" squares from about three fabric collections.  I thought they would all work together so I just ended up sewing them all together.  No cutting required!

I had a nice rosy pink fabric that Deana found for me at a local estate sale that worked for the backing.

This quilt measures 50" x 60".

Last week, I also received a couple quilts from local quilter Laura.  Nancy sent in this colorful scrappy quilt top.  I love the swirl pattern Laura quilted on it.

A bright surprise on the back.  Nann had sent me a bunch of fun vintage fabrics eons ago and this one looked great on this quilt.

This quilt measures 40" x 56".

This quilt actually started as some orphan blocks also sent in by Nancy.  In the same box she sent me some yardage of the background fabric.  It didn't take me long to turn those blocks into this sweet 50" square quilt.  I sent it Laura to quilt it.  She always does such a great job!

On the back, I went with this starry blue fabric.  I did have to turn part of the fabric on its side but I don't think too many people will notice.

Here is another quilt top sent in by Nancy.  The brown and pink really make a sweet quilt.

She also sent in this super soft flannel for the back.

This quilt is about 36" square.

There should be a lot to share again next week.  I am hoping to receive some more finished quilts from the longarm quilters.  Plus, I have a big stack of quilts ready for me to sew on the binding.

Also, in case you missed it, I announced the next block drive in the last post.  
We are going two-stepping!


Jocelyn said...

Beautiful quilts. said...

I love the jungle backing; those hearts are extra sweet and the orphan blocks look like they were planned for that project from the start. . .simply AMAZING quilts. . ..AGAIN! Bravo!

Kate said...

You've definitely have some fun quilts going out. Happy stitching this weekend.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

5 happy finishes!!

Kat said...

Those squares look great together! Glad you're getting use or of the fabric said...

These are all so fabulous. I still can't believe that you got 75 quilts from the novelty block drive!!! Wow oh wow!! That must be some sort of record. What are the measurements you've used to complete each of those? It's incredible to think of the work involved in making that many quilts. No matter how many blocks we send you, someone still needs to spend the time to sew, press and finish each one off!!! I've got a box addressed for you that will now get mailed on Monday. I will probably now think of more things I could have sent you. I'm sure there will be another box soon enough though.

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