Friday, December 30, 2022

A Scrappy Finish

 I have been finding myself with lots of time to sew.  

And I have been spending it trying to finish as many projects as I can.

I finally finished sewing up the blocks for this scrap quilt.  Then I immediately loaded it onto my longarm and quilted it.  

It all started with some voile fabric I received in a scrap bag.  The pieces were the trimmings from a backing so they were quite big.  There were a light and a dark print.  I cut them into 4.5" x 6.5" rectangles and framed them on three sides with brown 1.5" strips.

Then I pulled a bunch of scrappy strips, pulling the colors from the voile prints.  I continued to sew on strips until I could trim the blocks to 12.5" wide by 10.5" tall.

I played around with a lot of layouts and settled on this odd layout.

I used a dark blue and gold print for the back and bound it in a gold fabric. I also quilted a floral design in a dark gold thread.  It was definitely a fun quilt to work on!

I will be donating this one to the hospital. I just can't keep all the quilts I make!

The finished size is 60 x 70"

(A note to my readers - There have been lots of questions left in the comments section lately.  Many of them I have been unable to respond to because of the way you have your google/blogger profiles set up.  If I have not responded to a question, you might want to contact me directly at cynthiabdesigns at gmail dot com. Thanks!)

Linking Up:


There is still some time to pick up some fabric by the yard at great prices at Connecting Threads.   That is where I bought the backing for this quilt.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Wintry Finish

 With the freezing temperatures and icy weather, I thought today would be a good day to share a winter themed little quilt.

It is hard to say if this quilt is technically an orphan block or a scrap quilt.  It all started with a few long strip sets I received in a scrap bag.  I decided to sew them all together and them chop them up into 4.5" sections.  The center was very easy to make.  In the scrap bag were also quite a few black 1.5" strips to frame things up nicely.  

There were also some HSTs that I turned into pinwheel blocks for the outer corners.  I needed a small bit of yardage for the border and checked with a friend to see if she had any from this fabric collection.  She had a few pieces, so I was able to cobble together enough for the border.  Thank goodness the buffalo plaid made it easy to hide the seams.

I was also able to cobble together the backing.

The quilt is only about 40 x 45".  But I do love the lodge feel it has.  I am going to send this one as a donation quilt to the hospital.  It can go to a child or maybe a wheelchair bound person that needs a pick-me-up.

So many fun quilts are hidden away in those scrap bags!

BTW - Sunday is Christmas, so I am going to sleep in.  Oh Scrap! will be postponed until the following Sunday (which will be the first day of the new year.). 
Everybody ready with their 2023 RSC blocks?

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Rail Fence Quilt Number 2 and 3

 I have realized I am going to have a lot of finishes to share each month so I thought I would start sharing my hospital project finishes mid-week.  It has been a flurry of activity this week!

Rail Fence finish number two is one of my favorite layouts to make.  I call it a ripple effect where you start in the middle and then each section of blocks is framed with a solid.

I think most of the blocks used to make this quilt were donated by 3 or 4 people. 

 I see some of mine in there too!

On the back, I used one of the fabrics I just picked up from Connecting Threads.  The rich brown is perfect for all these blocks.

This layout used 119 blocks and one yard of a solid (which also did the binding).  For these 5.5" unfinished blocks, you are going to cut the solid borders 3" wide.

Rail Fence Finish number three has a wonderful little back story behind it. The blocks for the whole quilt were sent in by Mary in memory of Alta Glen Vaughan (1872-1898).  She died at the young age of 16 years old.  She lived in Coburg, Oregon which is one of the smaller towns that this hospital supports.  If only the hospital was around then, she might not have died so young.  This little quilt will be going over to the children's program.

The layout is simple - just alternating the blocks. Mary added a lot of novelty prints to her blocks so it is just right for some young child.

I had the perfect backing for her quilt.  A friend of mine had generously donated some fabrics and one of them was this adorable Winnie the Pooh print.

The layout for this little quilt used 80 blocks.
So sweet!

Lots of blocks are rolling in every day now.  I think I am going to spend tomorrow sewing up another quilt top using these blocks.  And finish another quilt top that is up on my design wall.

Hope to share more quilts soon!

I might have to place another order!

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Oh Scrap! : Sorting Fabrics into Kits

 Most of my sewing this week was putting together brown/blue rail fence blocks into quilt tops.  But I am trying to work on other quilts at the same time.  

I have finished all the blocks for this quilt top and have almost all the rows sewn together.  I hope to get it loaded up on the longarm next week.

A lot of my time has been spent sorting and organizing donated fabrics.
A good friend showed up this week with a big bag full of flannel bits she thought I could make into some smaller quilts.  I organized them into stacks and hope to turn them into some small kid's quilts.
(My little quilt inspector was close by making sure I was doing things right.)

She also gave me two big bags filled with flannel squares all prepped to be turned into rag quilts.  I organized these so that I can just grab a stack when I need a quick finish.

The generosity in donated blocks and fabrics has been amazing.  I am trying to get blocks and fabrics into kits as they arrive.  That way I know if I work on something, it will become a finished quilt and not get held up waiting for a back or something else.

Hopefully next week I will have some new blocks to share. 
 I need to start thinking about my 2023 RSC blocks!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Linking Up:

Love Laugh Quilt (Monday Making)

Friday, December 16, 2022

Rail Fence Quilt Number One

 Here it is...The first of the quilts made for the hospital using the rail fence blocks!

Let me say first, that one of the objectives in making these donation quilts is I really wanted to use up some of my older fabric. So I started out with designs that needed some of the brown fabrics I have in my stash.

The rail fence blocks in this first quilt were all made out of my stash.  I decided to make just a horizontal design using blocks and an older rusty leaf fabric I had that I knew I would never use.

There wasn't quite enough of the fabric for the whole quilt so I added two strips of another brown.  The strip at the top and bottom I made 5" and the rest of the horizontal strips were 3".

I am pretty pleased with how it turned out.  
It used 77 blocks and about 1 yard of unloved fabric out of my stash.  

The finished size is 55" x 65"

I used a navy blue dot fabric on the back and bound it with another blue print fabric.

The second quilt (using donated blocks from sone of you) is ready to be quilted.  
I hope to get to it this weekend.

If you want to read more about this project, you can follow this link.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Linking Up:

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


 I am blown away by how many of you have contacted me to say they made blocks for my donation quilt project.  The blocks are now coming in daily and I am sorting them into little stacks for future designs.  I have already made one quilt (that I hope to share on Friday) and the second top is just about complete.

My goal was to make about 6 quilts with these blocks but I think there are going to be far more!  Thanks so much!!

I am so glad I took advantage of Connecting Threads recent sale and bought some fabrics for backings.  I think I got between 4 and 8 yards of these prints.  Hopefully they will be enough.  If not, I know I have a bunch of navy-blue backs which will work in my stash.

I am really liking how these colors are working out.  Being the first block drive, I wanted to choose something gender neutral to fill the pipeline with quilts that would work for everyone.

If you donated blocks, be sure and check out my Friday posts - that is where I usually post my finishes so you can look for your blocks.  I hope to make my first delivery of quilts at the end of December so 2023 starts out with lots of love and comfort!

My little studio helper taking a break.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Oh Scrap! : This, That, Those

 This week seemed to fly by so fast.  I feel like I should have a lot more to show for it - but this is all the scrap sewing I did.

I made this single 16 patch block for a future donation quilt.

I started sewing together the rows on this scrap quilt.  I still have two partial blocks I need to finish but the blocks are big so the rest of the quilt should go together quickly.

The first of the rail fence blocks are starting to arrive in my mailbox.  I am so thankful for the response I have received.  Quilters are so generous!  I should be able to make at least six quilts from these blocks for the hospital. (Which is really amazing because the small size means it takes a lot of blocks to make a quilt.)

I have already finished one quilt top.  I had made enough blocks myself to complete one of the layout designs I had planned.  I am now working on a second top.  
I love how these blocks look all nestled together!

I think I know why I am probably not getting much done.  My new little helper is quickly learning that if he lays on what I am working on, he gets my attention.  His beefy frog legs and fat feet are just too tempting!

I keep telling him if he doesn't let me work, we are gonna be out on the streets!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Linking Up:

I am working on a future newsletter - I am still working the bugs out so be patient.  But if you want to get on the mailing list and receive the first issue, you can sign up below.  Sorry it is not very preprofessional - this is one of the bugs I am working on.  Always having to learn something new!

Subscribe to my Newsletter

* indicates required

Thanks so much!

Friday, December 9, 2022

Another Chunky Finish

 Last Sunday, I released another module to my Scrap Mixology series.

I thought today I would share another quilt I made using the Chunky block.

For this quilt, I used a fun striped fabric for the small strip on each block and then grouped together four of the blocks in similar colors.

I love the color block effect it made!

These are fun to quilt - I just did a squircle (a square into a circle) on each block. I really like the backing fabric on this quilt - I had purchased this print years ago.

The first quilt I shared for this pattern was on-point.  But I did a straight layout on this.  The Chunky block is fast and easy but it sure makes some fun, colorful quilts.

You can find the Chunky pattern in both my Etsy shop and in my Payhip Store.

Same block - just a few changes....

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Simple Starts

 Now that I am making quilts to donate to my local hospital, I have been looking around my sewing room for some simple starts for future quilts.  One of the first ideas I came up with was making some 16 patch blocks.

I cut my binding at 2.5" wide and I always save any leftover pieces in a scrap bin just for them.  I have been using a lot of striped bindings lately and I thought they would make some really happy blocks.

I am pairing them with some white/low volume scraps.  I also pulled some other bright colors to see how they looked.

I am not in any hurry to finish these blocks.  I can just work on them as I find fabric scraps that will work.  I might make one quilt - I might make many quilts out of these blocks.  
Only time will tell :)

Today I received my first few donation blocks in the mail.  It was so exciting!  

The response has been amazing and I am so happy I am going to be able to share a bunch of different layout ideas for such a simple block.  I have the first quilt from my blocks almost completed and I already have almost enough blocks to start on the second.

Thanks so much for the support!

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Oh Scrap! : Module #5 Release


I have been working on the fifth module of my Scrap Mixology series for seems like forever.  I am pleased that I finally finished it and I am ready to share some of the lovely quilts I made with it.

The first quilt I finished using this pattern is this lovely on-point version using a bunch of Kaffe Fassett bits I had.  Some were in my scrap bins and some were leftovers from previous projects.

I called this pattern Chunky because the pieces are large.

The base block is ridiculously easy.  But the 16 page pattern reveals so many ways you can change the look of this block and shares some great ways to lay the blocks out.

I added in some flip corners to make this beauty.

I used some larger Kaffe Fassett cuts from my stash to make a colorful backing.

I quilted it with a freehand dense leaf pattern.  I really love the texture it gave the quilt.

It is hard to tell, but I actually had to use two different green background fabrics.  The tiny strips and the inset triangles on the edge are actually different fabrics.  Don't be afraid to find ways to use what you have - most of the time people rarely notice when things aren't perfect!

If you wish to purchase this pattern, it is available in both my Etsy shop and my Payhip Store.

I have three more quilts to share using this same pattern.  I will be revealing them over the next few weeks so stay tuned!

There is a Scrap Mixology Pattern for every type of scrap!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Linking Up:

Love Laugh Quilt (Monday Making)

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