I have been finishing so many quilts lately. Every night, my little helper snuggles up next to me as I work on hand-sewing bindings. We both really enjoy the process!
The fifth quilt I have made from the Churn Dash blocks is this fun one which uses only 12" blocks and some gifted dark blue fabric. I really do appreciate when there is a cut of fabric in with blocks - it is usually what inspires me for a design.
I also loved the pieced pinwheels in the center of two of the blocks. You can see I put them in two corners of the quilt.
I used the last of this fabric for the backing. I also used a scrappy binding. As scraps are created, anything I can get a 2.5" strip from, gets cut and sewn into a continuous binding.
I love, love, love this layout. I received a bunch of red and white four patches that were made from all the same fabric. I was instantly inspired to use them as chains. I didn't have quite enough so I worked in a few others that I received. I think it just adds to the charm.
It is hard to see, but I used the backing trimmings from the fifth quilt to make the binding for the 6th quilt. Nothing is wasted!
Here is the back - it really is a very fun quilt!
I have scheduled the next week to only work on Compassion quilts. I have caught up with the hand bindings so I hope to build up another pile. I want to finish up all of these quilts by the end of May.
In June we start the next block drive!
On another note: I was wondering why my email inbox seemed so quiet and discovered I have not been getting notifications on comments left on the last few posts. I spent a few minutes trying to figure out what is wrong but it is going to take some time to research. Sorry for not responding to your comments. I hope to get that figured out soon!
(...If anyone has a fix, please email me. Thanks!!!)
Hope everyone has a great weekend! We are having some fabulous weather so I am finally doing some gardening. And yes, Arthur is a great help outside too!
I think every glove I own now has a hole in it...

Connecting Threads is having an end of bolt sale....