Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Happy Block Drive Round Up

 Even though I am not even close to sewing together all the Happy Blocks into quilts, I think I am ready to write up a summary.  I have organized all the blocks into stacks so I am going to guestimate how many quilts I will be making.

We will still keep track as I finish them to see how close I come.

The first Happy Quilt was shared on September 22nd.  Since then, I have shared 57 completed quilts.  I still have 8 in the pipeline that have been started but not finished.  That means there are 65 quilts essentially already made.

I received a total of 3765 blocks from 109 people - that is about twice what I normally see during a block drive.  Way to go!

I also received a total of 9 quilts or quilt tops like the on-point quilt above.  This is always really nice to receive because I can just put them directly in the "to be quilted" or the "completed" pile.

Getting that many blocks was a bit overwhelming at times, but I was determined to work through them.  I used my sewing room floor to organize many of the blocks and yardage.  The photo above is after making 65 quilts!  I have been sewing on my dining room table.

The above stacks of blocks are organized by theme and represent quilts to finish.  Right now I think I can finish another 60 themed quilts.  After that, I should be able to make another 10 as I-Spy quilts.  This means this block drive will have made about 110 quilts.

That is really amazing!

Some other wonderful things about this block drive was I received lots of fabric donations for backings, bindings and the likes.  I now have a nice stash and I don't have to worry about having fabric to finish quilts.

I also put a callout for your old thread.  Boy, did you guys deliver!  I received just about every make of thread - which is nice because I can share with my elves who are sewing up and quilting some of these quilts.  I can usually supply them with their preferred thread.

The biggest surprise was how many cones of thread I received.  The above photo is just a few cones that came with a story.  Sadly, one of you worked for a division that was closing but you made sure all the unused thread was sent my way - it has made a huge difference!  Previously, I was using my thread on my longarm.  It was a big expense!  Now I also have a stash of thread that (so far) have all worked on my machine!

I can't begin to express how much I appreciate all the support I have received.  

In 2023, 250 Compassion Quilts were started - with 211 of them getting delivered to one of our recipients.  I am looking forward to growing in many ways in 2024.  I will be sharing more about that later.

If you want to help out on the current block drive, it is a variation of a log cabin block.  I admit I "tapped the brakes" so to speak by choosing a more involved block.  I certainly don't expect to receive 4K blocks this time - but you guys do continue to surprise me.

If you want to make some blocks, the information is here.

I am hoping to share the first quilt of the new block this Friday so stay tuned!
(We are still experiencing Icemageddon here so I make no promises.)


Vicki W said...

What an amazing accomplishment!

Auntie Em said...

Just Wow! I can't even comprehend making all those quilts. Your dedication to your cause is really something to be admired. Congratulations!

Kate said...

That is a lot of blocks! Hopefully you can find some of your elves to help you assemble those blocks into quilts.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm so glad that the other requests you made during the Happy Block drive have also been met. Thanks for all you do and I look forward to seeing how things grow for you this year!

Linda Swanekamp said...

I can't believe you did that many quilts. I could have never have completed so many in that time period. I hope you are still enjoying it. Thank you to all those who sent supplies to you. I have a few angels who send me tops and backings and I am so grateful.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I was going "Wow!" at 57 quilts, but 110! That's amazing! Are you getting tired of Happy Blocks? :) I have a finished quilt to send you - just need to give it a wash.

Nann said...


....and now I'm going to get all the info for the log cabin blocks!

MissPat said...

Cynthia, these numbers are just amazing. I'm not surprised that you were overwhelmed at times. I was really glad to send you the Connecting Threads thread as they were just sitting in a drawer and now they will be used. I just wish the postage wasn't so much (it went up again today.)

Cindy said...

WOW! WOW! WOW! What an unbelievable # of blocks made! This one was super fast & fun to do. All of the quilts are beautiful!

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