Friday, August 30, 2024

A Package from Beth

Okay, it was actually two packages from Beth.

It was like Christmas when they arrived!

The first box I received had four quilts all made by Beth.

The first one I saw was this cute dinosaur quilt.  The center of the quilt has the cutest green and turquoise dinosaur print.

This one will definitely be going to Bags of Love in their September shipment.

A fun frog quilt was next.

These two quilts show that you can simply take a fun fabric and add some coordinating borders, and you have a great quilt for a kid.

I thought this design was brilliant too.  It features some bright colored batiks that all have different animals on them.  To add to the width, randomly insert a square on each strip.

Love the colors in this one!  The strip of colors down the back really ties everything all together.  I think Beth does all her own quilting and she did a lovely job on all of these.

The second box arrived a couple days later and there were six completed quilts in this box!

The next three quilts were also made by Beth.  But she had some help - her friend Barb made all these lovely blocks.

Beth and Barb made quite the team because together they also made this quilt.

These quilts by Beth and Barb are all so bright.

Beth also sent three quilts by her friend Holly.

This quilt by Holly is made with tan and plum batiks.  I really like the visual effect this quilt has.

Here is a similar one made by Holly in green.

And finally, Holly played with color on this little batik quilt.  It matches Janet's shoes :)

A huge thanks to Beth, Barb and Holly for sending these ten quilts to Many Hands and Many Hearts.  All I had to do was sew on the label.  Now they will be sent off soon to give a quilty hug to someone who needs one.

The next block drive has been announced.  We will be making these little Jewel Box blocks. 

Have a great weekend everyone!


Kate said...

Very fun quilts. Love the bold colors she used on many of them. Those will be popular with the kids and teens. said...

Beth and Holly rock! All are great finishes. Love the variety of colors!!

Nann said...

Wow! What a wonderful array of quilts. Good on ya, Beth and Holly!

Rebecca Grace said...

Lovely assortment of quilts, and I love how your friend Janet the quilt model looks happier and happier with each quilt that she holds up!

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