Friday, September 29, 2023

Happy Block Quilts # 2 and #3

 The Happy Block quilt pipeline is filling up and I should soon be sharing very regularly all the fun quilts I am making using your donated blocks.

I have quilts #2 and #3 for you today.

First up is Happy Zoo.  I received a bunch of cute animal blocks and at first it was going to be Happy Safari but I realized I needed to use alligator and panda blocks to have enough for the quilt.

All the blocks look so cute together!

How adorable is this back.  I lost track of who gave me that fun tiger fabric but I knew it would look great with the leftover tiger striped fabric I used in the last block drive.

Happy Quilt number 2 measures 40" x 48".

How cute is this Happy Dog quilt?  This one is Happy Quilt #3.

I received about a yard of the colorful dog fabric and thought it would make some fun vertical sashing.  Before I cut it, I did a little quilt math to be sure I left enough fabric for the binding.

Karen donated this bright red dalmatian fabric.  It wasn't quite wide enough but I knew I had some B/W dalmatian dots in my stash.

This dog quilt measure 45" x 56".  I am sure I will have enough blocks for a second dog quilt - I will try and make that one a bit bigger.  As a dog lover, I would love a dog quilt even though I am an adult.

So many fun blocks are coming in daily.  The floor of my sewing room is covered with stacks of various themed blocks.  This drive takes a lot more space and organization than previous drives - but the quilts all make me smile as they get done!

A big thanks to all who have donated!

(If you want to read more about this block drive, you can go to the Compassion Quilt page.)

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Another Quilty Hug

 I finished another quilt from the lovely tops sent in by Becky.  

I just love how the colors in this one seems to glow.

I don't know the name of this pattern, but the block is really simple, and it would sure make a great scrap pattern.

I pulled a fabric from my stash for the backing that I thought worked really well.  I really wanted the binding to be that weird yellow/green so I hit my friend up who I knew would have something.

This quilt will definitely make someone's day better!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Oh Scrap! : New RSC Block

 Now that I put all my RSC blocks into a quilt top, I decided to go ahead and start a new Rainbow Scrap Challenge project.

The color for September is aqua (I am including turquoise and teal in that).  I have a bunch of 3.5" nine-patches that I have been making from small bits.  I pulled out any of them that had aqua and decided to start with those.  I used my Two-Bits Scrap Mixology pattern to make these five 10.5" blocks.

I am hoping this project will keep me focused on using my scraps.  My bins continue to fill as leftovers from Compassion Quilts go in there.  Pretty much all of them are overflowing!

Time for you to share what you are doing with your scraps!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Hey, if you feel like doing a little spending, Connecting Threads is having their Summer Sale.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Happy Hands Quilt #1

 Yay!  It is time to share the first quilt made from the current Compassion Quilt block drive.  

I give you Happy Hands!

I think all of the blocks for his quilt were made by just two or three people but I thought it was the perfect quilt to kick us off.  

For the success of this program, it certainly takes many hands to make is work.  And you guys are really stepping up for this one.  Stacks of blocks are showing up daily - some with added goodies like backings and thread. (I so appreciate your generosity.)  I am having a ball opening all the packages and enjoying all the fun prints.

These blocks just make me happy!

I was also gifted a bit of yardage so I was able to put the hands on the back.  I pulled some smaller bits to frame it out.  For the binding, I pulled a green solid that has been in my stash for eons - it finished it off beautifully!

This quilt measure 40" x 48".

I already have a number of tops completed.  Because these quilts are smaller than the previous block drives, I know we will be exceeding the number of quilts those produced.  In fact, based on what I have received to date, I am pretty sure I will not be able to finish all of these quilts before the next block drive starts.  But I am going to give it my all!

(And my all is to quilt them myself and/or find help from local quilters.)

If you wish to get involved, you can read more about this block drive here.  And if you haven't heard about the Compassion quilt program, there is a whole page dedicated to it here.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Hey, if you feel like doing a little spending, Connecting Threads is having their Summer Sale.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Four More Finishes

 I spent about a week straight just working on quilt tops that have been sent in by others.  Once I had a nice pile of quilts, I had to sew on all those bindings!

(Luckily, I have little elves to help me sew on some.)

Here are a few that I completed.

This is one that Becky sent in many months ago.  I love this coral and blue together.

The reason it took so long is I could not find a backing I liked for this one in my stash.  I rummaged through a friend's stash and found this blue and orange cross weave.  She generously let me have it.  It looks amazing with the top.

This quilt measures about 58" x 68".

Becky also sent in this amazing quilt top.  I had the same problem finding a backing I liked.  I did find a pink gingham piece I liked with it in my fabric, but I didn't have enough for the entire back.

My good friend helped me out again.   She picked out the Tula Pink bunny print and the green stars to go with the pink piece.  It really works well all put together. She has such a good color sense (and a generous heart).

This quilt measures 66" square.

Holly sent in this next quilt top.  When it arrived, it was one quilt top.  I had a backing I really wanted to use on it but it looked weird on a long narrow quilt.  So I decided to take it apart and add a few borders and make it into two smaller quilts.

I had this horse print that Kat sent me that I have had a hard time finding it a home.  It worked perfectly on these two quilts.

Now there will be twice the quilty hugs!

These quilts each measure 46 x 50".

I am hoping to have the first quilt completed with the Happy Blogs on the blog this Friday.  I should finish up the binding tonight.  I think I already have 6 tops waiting to be quilted.

I am not even going to try and guess how many quilts will get made from the current Compassion Quilt block - They have been arriving at a pace unlike any previous block drive!
(You guys are awesome!)

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Oh Scrap! : RSC Top

 Before I start constructing quilt tops for the next Compassion Quilt block drive, I wanted to try and sew some of my own blocks together.  I have quite a few piles of them around my sewing room.

About June of last year, I started making some Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks.  I have a bunch of 2.5" scrappy squares that I wanted to use.  I made a 12" heart block and a 12" color block.  I made one or two of each every month.  When I started making them, I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to use them - but last week, I decided to get them out and see what I could make with them.

What do you think?  I decided to use them all together in the same quilt.  And yes, Elana, those are some orphan chain blocks you sent me.  I couldn't let those go to waste.

I still have a couple heart blocks but I know I can always find a home for them.  I don't usually share just quilt tops but I don't think I will be quilting this anytime soon.

I am now trying to decided what scrappy block I want to sew up next.  I want it to be simple!

Maybe I will make another Two Bits quilts.


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

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Friday, September 15, 2023

The Big 3-0!

 Yes, thanks to so many of you, I was able to put together 30 Color Stix Compassion quilts. 

I have the last three to share with you today.

Quilt #28 has a Halloween theme.  I received a pretty good stack of orange blocks with Spooky images to I decided to go ahead and make a quilt for a Halloween fan.  I made a few blocks from some Halloween fabric I had and pulled some blocks that went well with them.  I even had a little witch panel I was able to use in this quilt.

It is not a big quilt - it measures 45 x 54".  I found an orange fabric in my stash that went well with the top.  It wasn't quite big enough so I pulled a gray to add as an inset strip.

If you follow my blog, you had to know I would try a colorwash layout. 

Well, that is what I did with quilt #29.

On the back is one of the fabrics my neighbor Deana brought me. In person, it is a really nice soft periwinkle color.  This one measures 54 x 63".

And finally, the 30th Color Stix quilt is this large red, coral and turquoise quilt.  A lot of the blocks that arrived toward the end of the drive were these colors so it worked out perfectly.

I used a backing from my personal stash - it just was too perfect not to use it.

I did have a stack of blocs large enough to make another quilt but I decided to just hold onto them.  They looked terrible all together and I know I am going to do this block again sometime in the future.  They will definitely all find a home someday!

I have been working on tallying up all the statistics and will share them in a later post.  I am so pleased with the success of this block drive.  I have so many of you to thank!!!

Have a great weekend Everyone!

(If you want to donate blocks, you can find the current block drive information here.)

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Quilt Donations from Others

 Now that I am nearing the end of the Color Stix block drive, I am able to focus on some of the quilts donated by others.  You should see more of those being shared here soon.

The amazing Yvonne (Quilting Jetgirl) sent me this lovely little completed quilt (along with some blocks and thread).  This quilt is made from one of her fabulous patterns.  It is called Dripping Stars and I loved everything about this cutie - the design, the colors and the perfect quilting.

I have not met Yvonne in person yet but I hope to one of these years!

Sorry about the fold lines - Yvonne would never have fold lines on her photos but I am going to be folding this one right back up so it can bring a smile to someone's face quickly.

This quilt measures 36 x 48" but the pattern has instructions for four sizes.

Sue sent this lovely quilt top and binding months ago.  I was finally able to get it quilted up this month.

I needed to find a backing piece for it and I struggled to find one I liked.  Then Kat sent me this fun turquoise flannel piece and the quilt was finally able to move through the pipeline.

This quilt measures 44 x 56".

At the end of the week, I should have the final Color Stix quilts ready to share.  The new Happy Block drive has already been announced and I have already received tons of blocks.  Thanks so much! I hope to start putting together some tops later this week.  This weekend, my friend Audrey came over and helped me sort all of the blocks into themed piles and match them up with possible backings.  That is going to make putting these quilts together so much easier!

The new blocks are very fun to sew - you can find more information on them here.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Oh Scrap! : More Rose Blocks

 Most of this week was spent sewing the last of the Color Stix tops together.

But I was able to get a few more of my rose blocks competed.

I now have a total of nine light pink blocks.  I have only fussy-cut one half of the rose panel so I can make more blocks if I need them.

I also have a total of ten dark pink blocks completed.

I am still not sure how I am going to put these blocks together.  A few of you have shared a few great ideas but I just haven't firmly landed on a design yet.  I know it will eventually come to me.

I also have a number of other blocks I need to sew up into tops.  To name a few - the Improv blocks, RSC blocks and some Kaffe hexagon blocks I finished a long time ago.  Maybe I can squeeze in one or two before I get started sewing the Happy Blocks together for the current Compassion Quilt block drive.


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not your homepage please) or Instagram photo from the past week that features your use of scraps.
  • If you are linking to a blog post, I ask that you link back to my blog somewhere in your post. So if you are writing about scraps, just get into the habit of including a link as there will be a linky party available every week!
  • If you are using Instagram, please use the hashtag #ohscrap.
  • This is a party so remember to socialize and comment on the posts of others.
  • Following my blog is not necessary but it sure would be great if you do! 

Quilting is more fun than Housework

Friday, September 8, 2023

Color Stix Finishes #26 and #27

 These color Stix quilts just keep on coming!

But I will say we are nearing the end - which is good because the Happy Blocks for the next drive are already arriving!

These bright colored quilts always remind me of Lifesavers candies.  

The colors in this quilt were inspired by the backing.  Plus, I had an abundance of orange and green blocks.  I think I had to make a couple of the yellow ones.

The floral fabric was the inspiration.  At this point in most drives, I am trying to use some of the smaller yardages for the backing.

This quilt measures 54" x 63".

I was surprised I had just the right number of blocks to pull off quilt number 27.  I really like how this one turned out.

There is a wonderful story behind the backing fabric on this one.  I walk my dog a couple times a day throughout the neighborhood, so I am always passing garage sales.  One I stopped by had a bunch of fabric.  I had a whole seven dollars in my pocket but I still walked away with about 10 yards of fabric.  I told the woman what I was using the fabric for.  A few days later, the woman tracked down where I lived and brought me a trunkful of larger cuts and a bunch of solid fabric cuts.  This extra wide backing was one of the fabrics.  I am constantly humbled by how generous quilters are!

This quilt also measures 54 x 63.

If you would like to participate in the current block drive, the instructions for making the Happy Blocks are linked here.

I appreciate the support!

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